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Thursday, August 31, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 8/31/23 6:04 am, edited 8/31/23 11:05 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Last day in August already! It is a sunny, breezy day so has that Fall feeling.

Diane S, I hope the wildfires don't kick up too much. Peps, hoping to hear that you are feeling better today. DD, definitely minimize your extra work - they don't pay teachers nearly enough for what they do. CC, enjoy your last days of summer! Ocean Diane, I hope the hurricane didn't cause damage where you are? Shirl, maybe you have started the new job?

The AC is done but they removed my new Wi-Fi thermostat and put a dumb one in its place! The guys dropped it at the AC company office afterwards and commented that it seemed odd that they were supposed to replace it (that's what they thought the order was). And why did they not call to find out??? So Frick and Frack are going back tomorrow to put my better thermostat back in place. I could do it myself but I refuse. Because of the ridiculousness over locking the key in and the thermostat issue, we get the first two maintenance checks for free.

And after chasing the doctor offices I received calls from both yesterday - the sending office had not actually done the referral yet though they had sent me a note saying it was completed. The woman found it in a folder with a sticky note on someone's desk so she said she would make sure it was done. The receiving office said they would call me when they received it and schedule the appointment - probably not until December (sigh).

Eating was not mindful yesterday. Fried scallops for lunch, 3/4 of a burger for dinner, and 2 chocolate chip cookies for dessert. I need to get back on the healthy eating wagon.

Have a thinking Thursday!

ETA: I have an appointment with the shoulder Dr on 12/5. I would probably fly to Boston the night before and return home in the evening afterwards.

on 8/31/23 6:28 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Good grief, the air conditioner stories would be funny if they weren't so aggravating! Good for you for insisting they get it done right.

Sorry the doctor's appointment is so far off. What a disappointment to wait so long while in pain.

My classroom is more or less ready to go for Tuesday. It's been a tough and emotional week. It started with feelings of loss, for friends *****tired, and young friends who lost their positions last spring. And the complete upheaval of my sped world. And the superintendent who went off script in his welcome back presentation and told us, the students need you to listen to them, they don't need you shoving your political views down their throat. Say what? I promise you that the only indoctrination I engage in is trying to get kids to use punctuation. Language like "shoving down their throats" betrays what he really thinks of us. Luckily I know my worth to the families and kids. Moving forward, I'm focusing on the challenges and opportunities that will arrive Tuesday morning with my students.

Tomorrow I will finish some paperwork, play in my little garden, and go to Barnes and Noble to buy a book(s) for my adorable great nephew. We are going to his birthday party on Saturday.

The weather has been extraordinary, mid 80s, low humidity, bright blue skies. Another heat wave is coming, and it might reach 100 on Sunday!!!! I need a pool :)

on 9/1/23 12:21 am

Ummm.... my descriptors for your superintendent are not appropriate for polite company! What a horrible, horrible thing to say at a welcome back address. Nothing like "kindness" to boost morale at the beginning of a school year.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/1/23 4:45 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

That guy does not belong in that position! The people who make hiring decisions for Superintendents must be clueless as to what is required in that role.

diane S.
on 8/31/23 10:10 pm


late check in on the iPad. Gallery duty today. Foggy so not many visitors. A friend came to visit and that was fun. We mostly talked about being old. Then I got a pizza and came home to watch our team. Heartbreaking loss in the last seconds. Crap

DD your superintendent sounds like a real prize. How is it that ed administrators are so clueless... ? Doesn't anybody wonder why teachers are leaving? Makes me sad and I am sure you too. Who is going to teach kids.? A hard road. A good friend just died and she was a teacher of student teachers here at the university. She said she had all these idealistic students who left other careers midlife with the lofty goal of teaching.wish these aspirations could all be fulfilled instead of deflated by admin.

oh well, nursing wounds from football game. Hair cut tomorrow and then studio

peps hope you are feeling better.

diane s

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on 9/1/23 12:22 am

MIA today.... Tested positive for Covid this afternoon. Not allowed to go back to wor****il Tuesday. I slept late today and took a nap. But I am feeling better.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/1/23 4:47 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I'm glad you are feeling better. I wondered if eventually you would test positive since you said it was going around at the dog show. I hope Ron doesn't get it.
