VSG Maintenance Group
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Crazy weather everywhere! It's sleeting here. This winter is now in the top 8 snowiest here. Since we can get snow well into April, it may move into the top 5. It's getting old for sure.
Aside from the weather and the budget woes at work, things were going reasonably well. But then we called to check in with our daughter. She told us she had been keeping a secret, that she had been depressed for a few months, but now it reached a crisis level. Her doctor got her into a psychiatrist so she can have expert help with medications, and with a therapist for talk therapy. I want to send that doctor flowers for listening and acting, she may have saved our daughter's life. I can see the perfect storm of events, she is doing an internship, working, and taking 8 hours of class on Saturdays and all the corresponding studying and assignments. And she was somehow staying on top of everything, until she got very sick in January. She was pretty much out of commission for 2 weeks, and she says she just can't catch up again.
DH is flying to Boston tomorrow morning to help support her. My Mom heart is broken. I wish I could take it away from her and put it on me. I wish I had a pot of money so I could say quit work, we'll take care of it. I wish I could raise Cain at het school and say what are you thinking, running a program for working adults, making them do an internship and 3 classes a semester? All of these people have to keep their day job, you're killing them... but I can wish a lot of things. Anyhow, DH is going to try to help her sort some things out and just offer the comfort of his presence.
So that's where my mind is. I know she will eventually feel better, but oh, watching them suffer is a lot.
DD so sorry to hear your DD is struggling. Good that DH can go and do some things. Can she just drop those classes and do them another time? Seems like so much for one person. Yay for her doctor for getting to the issue. he/she deserves thanks. And yeah, what is that school thinking with all that stuff? Life is so complex for young people these days. Sending good energy. ds
on 3/16/23 3:54 pm
I'm sorry your daughter is feeling depressed! It's no wonder with all she has on her plate. But good for her for getting help. Honestly in those moments in my life, just being able to talk about it helped so much. Why we all feel the need to carry burdens alone I don't get. Is it cultural? But I do it all the time. Asking for help and letting others help you is so important!
I'm sorry to read that your daughter reached crisis level. That is awful, awful news for a mom to hear. I think it's far worse than a broken leg or some such injury from which one can physically recover with little effort - the body does the work. Depression is a complex and difficult issue. Believe me, I know. I wish I didn't, but I do.
Your DH is an awesome pop to fly to Boston tomorrow to go take care of your daughter. He just scored big time Dad points from me!
What a lucky woman your daughter is to have such wonderful parents.
Wow! That is a lot for anyone to handle. Thank goodness your daughter's doctor recognized what was going on. And also thank goodness that she told you. There was a time when we took an all night 13 hour drive to get to DS at his school in Virginia and bring him home wondering all night if he was going to survive. We ended up renting a truck when we got there, packed him up and we did bring him home. A year later he was back in another school energized and excited.
Yes, our children are always our hearts. And to your earlier point we would take their illnesses and grief onto ourselves to save them if we could.