VSG Maintenance Group
Sunday October 3, 2021
Greetings All
Just got back from today's big adventure which was a trip to the pet store and drive through pharmacy. Pet store was interesting since I am in this clunky boot. I feel out of balance so I think I will use a cane when I go out. The pharmacy does drive through covid tests and they are so dang slow!!
Thinking of you today Liz. I feel like I know Elise.
And Liz, get the small condo closer to the beach. What is more important, a beach or a basement? You can always get a storage unit somewhere.
Peps a redo on the sleeve is worth thinking about. Dr. Cirangle told me it was possible to get a good sleeve in Mexico. He did a sort of redo on DH when he fixed a hiatal hernia for DH about 8 months after his original sleeve. Cirangle told me DH had stretched his and tightened it up.
I had a long chat today with one of my law school chums. It was fun. We were brats at the age of 21. Who knew.
Hey our football team did great yesterday. Who knew?
DianeO you are right to look for sun. Its what you need. Glad you have time with DD. One of our puppies is in your area.
I cooked some beans and veggies last night and will add some ham tonight. Not exactly good diet fare but comfort food.
The electrician comes tuesday to do various projects that DH wants. Fine with me. But he wants a light in the pantry which is good but it means it all has to be cleared out and he has not started. I have warned him I cannot do much as I am a peg-leg but to no avail.
Jeepers Shirley, still lockdown? Hope it is doing some good. I am planning for my booster soon.
Cecily sorry you Dad is grumpy and not much fun. I am sure Mayo will do the very best that can be done. You do have a lot going on. Stay safe and sane.
Thats about it here. DH is out walking a dog or two so I can sneak in some trashy tv.
Diane S