VSG Maintenance Group
Tuesday, 10/20/20
Crazy day today. Accumulating snow the middle of October is unheard of, even in Minnesota. As you can see from some of my Facebook pics, not all the leaves have even dropped. 18 years ago we had a freak blizzard on Halloween that raged for two days, and we're STILL talking about it, because that never happens, and people wear t shirts that say I survived the Halloween Blizzard of 91, and now, this storm on October 20. Slippery drive home (but I live close so only 6 miles of white knuckle driving on side streets) and then my dentist office called and said they had a cancellation, would I like to move up my appointment for my new crown. Since they make the crown in the office, it's a long appointment, with some downtime, so I was there until 8pm. Very short drive, less than a mile, but also white knuckle. I was more worried though, I'd get stuck in their parking lot as more snow fell, but their plow service arrived just as I was leaving. Now I am home, tucked in, and very glad tomorrow is a work from home day. If you're someplace warm, appreciate it on my behalf. :)