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Thursday, May 24, 2018

diane S.
on 5/24/18 9:25 pm

Hey we are thinking about Yosemite in the fall. But I sure as heck won't be going up Half Dome. I hear all kinds of totally not capable people try to climb it. I will stick to taking pictures of water falls.

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on 5/24/18 1:13 pm

Weight 159.6 dressed in all my garb

I finally unwrapped a foam wedge I bought prior to surgery, not sure at the time how I would use it, but a lot of people with surgery bought one so I figured for $20 it would be good to have. I put it on my recliner so my ginormous swollen ankles were elevated last night and go figure, they were normal sized this morning! So good purchase and will keep using it. Still no stairs or showers for a while, but one day I will get back in my tempurpedic adjustable bed and be soooo happy to crank the feet part up on that!

The area I live in has a high percentage of Asian people and our robocall's have now gone Mandarin. I have answered my cell or house phone to a robocall beginning with "Ni hao" about 6 times this last week. Argh.

And that's about all there is to report from my chair. I can't wait to get rid of this chair!

Good vibes being sent to all...

diane S.
on 5/24/18 4:44 pm

Hey Cecily wish I could have given you the wedge pillow we just got rid of. DH had it leftover from his sleep apnea days.

Regarding your residential chair, my brother , whose house looks like Architectural Digest, had to buy a recliner when he had some surgery. The sales lady was trying to sell him something expensive. He told her he was not going to keep the chair for very long. She said "Oh honey, once you try it you will never want to get rid of it". Well, its history now.

Maybe a blood donation place would like the recliner since they use those. Once I donated and all they had were these hard tables like laying on an ironing board. Bummer. DS

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on 5/24/18 4:52 pm

That's s good idea! Part of me is wishing I sprung for the super expensive zero gravity chair given that every hour these days feels like a week, but I'll be glad when I'm done with it that I didn't overspend on it.

I think I will donate it to my good friend who runs a breast cancer support group that helps lower income women with things like getting a recliner for mastectomy recovery. I'm happy to have it go to any good cause!

on 5/24/18 8:04 pm

OMG, what a fabulous donation idea!

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32  Mo 2:-13.5  Mo 3: -13.5  Mo 4 -9.5  Mo 5: -15  Mo 6: -15  Mo 7: -13.5  Mo 8: -17  Mo 9: -13  Mo 10: -12.5  11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached Mo 11: -9  Mo 12: -8    12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!

on 5/24/18 4:56 pm

Open House week as you know, so a tad busier than usual. Am home for only a few minutes before running off again for the event! I have decided I'm stop[ping to get a MOD pizza afterwards. I can only eat half of a personal pizza - the way I build the pizza is far from being a slider food. It's loaded with meat. The other thing is that it's basically a sugar free food, so It's a safe-dish way to decompress using food as an assist. Not going to lie, I will be using food to celebrate the end of this stressful week. (This year it has been student stress - not mine - but dealing with stress is dealing with stress. It's stressful! )

Haven't read all of yesterday's posts, but I am happy Cecily is doing okay.

I am holding at 250.0 to 250.4. ARGH! LOL!!!!!! But that's still better than 255. Hehehehe.

Check back later or tomorrow.

on 5/24/18 9:46 pm

Thank you, Devon!

on 5/24/18 5:41 pm - AR

I am home back in the woods. Back procedure went well. I opted for sedation during this one as it generally hurts more than the nerve blocks. It did not hurt or I do not remember it hurting. I did not feel the effects of the versed but I saw them pu**** I have been taking it easy and ice packs as needed. The other side is scheduled for next month. I think I do feel less pain but I am doing less too. It is easier to take it easy now after trying to push through and get the house completed. I lack a little bit of paint and the AC unit.

Last night went to DS#1 and DIL s for grilled burger. No doubt the best burger I have ever eaten.

Adalyn is finding her toes. She has a chair for her bath and she was trying to look over the guard to grab her toes. Everything to her mouth even her toes if she can get them to it. She does not like loud noises like barking poodles or vacuuming.

I have had computer issues, internet issues and WiFi issues. I think for the most part I need better surge protection.

Need to get caught up on past week of posts.

More later, David

HW=362(6/14) SW=314(9/14) GW=195 CW=270 (1-26-2020)

on 5/24/18 9:50 pm, edited 5/24/18 2:51 pm

Our MI house had a very close lightning strike and it burned a light switch black. I have suggested my dad get lightning rods/surge protection on the house, but so far no luck. I think he thinks the house has been there since 1915, it's fine... I'm thinking more of everything plugged into the electrical!

PS- Adalyn and her toes sound like something I could watch all day without getting bored!

on 5/24/18 10:24 pm

Tank and I are home and both of us are fed. We are both tired. Tank slept through the last 1/2 hour. He is going to stay home tomorrow and sleep in. It's a short day for me, too. I get to leave at 12:30 tomorrow afternoon. NICE way to start the Memorial Day weekend.

On the way home I stopped in at Steinmart and picked up 3 Tommy Hilfiger 100% Cotton polo shirts in lovely bright summer colors and some new sleep shorts. Possibly a little TMI, but Ron has a love of penguins and I happened to see some pink boxer briefs with penguins all over them. Had to get them for him. Turns out that the boxers are made by Penguin (mens wear). He liked them, but commented on the pink. Really? LOL! Who's going to see them????

Pics of Open House. I feel compelled after Liz's wonderful compliment!!!!! Thanks, Liz!
