VSG Maintenance Group
Sunday, Christmas Eve, December 24, 2017
Merry Christmas eve. We had snow this morning but doubt that it will stay.
Wt 237. Eating remains mostly N&Y still. Recent increase in Vyvanse to 70mg. We will see if that has any effect. I wish I could go back up on my thyroxine. Former PCP liked to keep everything at low or low normal levels. Psych doc likes it high normal. New PCP hasn't been asked yet. Trying not to overwhelm her on my first visit. Follow up in a couple of weeks.
DD#1 has been over quite a bit. I still go over in the mornings from 5-8am or so. It is some special quiet time. Baby Adalyn's fussy time is about 6 to 9:30pm. That is during my bedtime so I don't help much at that time but DW does some. It takes a village sometimes. I really worry about DD#2. Not as much support 3 hrs away and sadly not a lot of common sense. A little scary she will be in charge of a small human. She takes care of 2 step children but they go home to mom. DD#2 lives in a very black and white world.
Speaking of black white worlds or red blue worlds. I know that politics are best left out of friend groups but I ran across a speaker that was very interesting to me. It was a TED talks. The speakers name was Noah Feldman. He is published and I think he is a teacher at Harvard. The subject: Hamilton vs. Madison and the birth of American partisanship. I listened to it as a podcast and it is on YouTube Here It made me feel better. Ever since I have been following politics I have wished for better choices. Me personally, I was raised in a VERY conservative Strict religious, republican house. My MIL thinks I am a Liberal and my parents would have said she was very far left. DS#1 says I will never have to worry about being a liberal (he is). I identify mostly as a libertarian.
Finished building all of the tops for the pharmacy except one that will need to be measure after installing the others. Had rainy weather and had to keep the doors all closed due to drying finish and glue drying. Then had to open doors and turn on the big fan because I was getting high. I think the dog was high too. Air quality back to normal.
Christmas has surprised us this year. We traditionally make ice box fruitcakes. Haven't even thought of making them until today. Not going to happen in the airstream. DW has always loved Christmas and I too have childhood issues with it. I fear I have somewhat ruined it for DW all of these years.
More later, David
HW=362(6/14) SW=314(9/14) GW=195 CW=270 (1-26-2020)
Thanks for the Ted talk rec. I will defitinely listen to it. I found some comfort in a super long Lincoln biography as well. Much (not all!) of this has happened before. So interesting.
I know you between your and your lovely wife (fab pic on facebook, by the way) that you know how to navigate in the medical world. On the other hand, I behave differently much different as a patient than a medical insider.
So, with that in mind: in my office, the PCP's would have a knee jerk negative reaction to a PATIENT asking for higher replacement. They all know about positive use of t3 use in the star trial (and they believe that) but there are so many requests for higher thyroid from all patients ("I know my body, doc") and endo dept constantly pointing out that most peeps don't need more ("of course they feel better with a higher dose! We would ALL feel better, but that doesn't mean it is good for most").
So, if you haven't already, could you have your psych doctor write a note with a quick mention of your history of resistant depression and known positive response to high normal thyroid? Your PCP would be the opposite of overwhelmed....relieved in fact that there is a reasonable course of action already set by specialty. (Assuming, of course, there isn't another medical reason to avoid high normal....)
That new baby is better than fruitcake. :)

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
As a patient I am pretty much the doctor said this and he has more education and liability than I do. It is odd because I was always a patient advocate when I was working. Fortunately DW has a way about her that gets us what we need while the doctor does not feel threatened. Thanks for your perspective.
HW=362(6/14) SW=314(9/14) GW=195 CW=270 (1-26-2020)
Happy Christmas Eve,
Christmas Eve has always been my childhood family's official time to celebrate. I love typing this next to a lit Christmas tree, comfy and cozy. Peace to all of you, my friends.
Ann, I'm thinking of you this morning. I know you are busy getting ready for family (and kids!) in the house. I hope DH is feeling well this morning. I hope you both find time and energy to savor the gathering.
Paula, enjoy your family time, I know you will. Safe driving.
On opening gifts: my current family goes with my side of the family's style: Christmas Eve opening (stockings Christmas morning) and all gifts that arrive in the mail are ripped open in the entry way. Because that is FUN and expected on my side of the family. Then we call the sender. DH's family does everything wrong so of course we don't do what they do.
On decorating: this year, only the living/dining room area is decorated. We used to do the whole house but I just don't care to do that anymore. I do love retreating to this festive space -- and maybe it is even better that it is different from the rest of the house.
On our body's knowing what we need: my body is telling me it doesn't feel very well with more than I need in recent days, particularly more sugar. It is asking for less. However, my brain says that I don't feel very well that I should comfort myself with food. This disconnect is SO CLEAR.
Peace and hope. Let go of stress.

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
Greetings Happy Holiday Humans
143. Not good. I can't think why I am up as I ate appropriately yesterday. More soup with extra tofu. I don't think it was the FOOD FIND that I posted about yesterday. Bacon Jerky that was super good. Its a local product but there are other brands. Softer than other jerky and not so peppery.
Ah Liz, Christmas in Martha's Vineyard. Sounds so fun and the quaint little inn looks great. Crab season is delayed again and I guess I could get crab from elsewhere but its just not the same. We might have the treasured Runzas for dinner.
Paula be safe on the road. Reminds me of a Christmas when I was in college when an unexpected death occurred and our whole family drove all day on Christmas to Minnesota. We had Christmas dinner at a Holiday Inn which was not too bad except I felt bad for the workers. Car snacks will be better. And I bet Ben will talk more about feelings when he is ready too. He may still be sorting them out for himself.
Shel good comments on Dave's thyroid thing. I took the stuff as a child and young adult and quit. I tested normal after that but thats when my adult serious weight gain began. I have always tested normal ever since and even had mega testing with an endocrinologist. So Dave, go for it if you can. And Shel is right, new baby is better than fruitcake.
Just had a fruitcake flashback - my grandfather used to get this really good fruitcake from a small town bakery. Each slice was individually wrapped. Lots of nuts and not disgustingly sweet. So good. My grandmother used to make peffernuse (yeah I can't spell) which I disliked. Why eat hard cookies?
My Christmas suggestion (same as last year) is to go to youtube and listen to Aretha Franklin sing Joy to the World. It so rocks.
Well DH went to the grocery for some unknown reason and I should seize the time to wrap his gifts (Stephen Colbert's book, shirt and other stuff). I will share Dave's podcast with him when he returns.
I am looking forward to Christmas tomorrow at our friends. Good company and everyone agrees on politics or at least stays quiet if they don't.
Lordie, DH just came home with pecan sandies and eggnog. Give me strength.
Over and out. Diane S
on 12/24/17 12:13 pm
Weight 160.2, calories 2462. Eek. That's enough of that.
Happy Christmas Eve!
I started the day with a wonderful hike in Laguna Canyon. It was only just under 5 miles, but lots of it was uphill, so it was a workout! I love hanging out with my girlfriends, so that makes it extra fun. Now time to walk the dog.
More cleaning needs to be done today. I'm easily sidetracked!
I hope you all are having a lovely day with your families.
Oddly, I slept way too late. So much so I was bothered by it. Guess I was tired.
French Onion soup is made and simmering. Croutons are drying in the oven. Salad only needs to be built, but is prepped.
Few (okay, all) presents to be wrapped, table to set and we're ready for tonight. Have to say Ron totally stepped up to the plate to get things done this year. Made my life so much easier and unstressed. I walked into the bedroom, came back to the kitchen and laughed at myself. He asked what I was laughing about. I told him that as I was walking to the bedroom I though to myself, "I can't wait for tomorrow to be over!" I said I wasn't upset, or depressed, but that was the thought that arose. He paused, looked at me and said, "...Makes sense. Christmas is just one more thing on your plate this year." He's right.
Weight was up this morning. I'm guessing salty Chinese food, though I didn't eat much. Main meal of the day today is Fage (about 3/4 cup) with 1/4 cup blueberries, 3 strawberries, 1/2 a small banana and some chopped pecans. Can you all eat that much in a sitting?
Merry Christmas to you and yours!