VSG Maintenance Group
Sunday, Nov. 5 2017
BUT does Fergie have one in his mouth????
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Really silly to post this late, but what the heck...
I am simply not finding the time to take adequate care of myself the past few weeks. I am not sure how to fix this. School is too much on a daily basis. I don't know what F'ing planet our Director of Curriculum lives on, but it's not one anchored in reality. Jeesuz! 3 new curricula in one year - 4 if you count transitioning to the new science standards!!!!! In 25 years of teaching I have never been so discouraged. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water! Sigh...
I do not dislike switching back to standard time. I don't like winter in CA or the long nights, but I will so appreciate tomorrow not driving to school in the first light of day.
Last week was tiring (exhausting, really). I had a "binge" day, too. I don't remember which day, but I think it was Thursday. It was the first true binge I've had in months, so I'm not upset an isolated incident, but all the signals for a binge were there (as they are now). Luckily, I have a shrink session tomorrow. My plan is to open with stating that I have the need to sort out thoughts and create some type of plan to ease myself back into a sustainable self care routine.
Well, this is just too much heavy duty thinking for close to 11 pm. Frankly, I don't want to think about this stuff at all anymore. LOL!
Well hang in there Devon. It must be so frustrating to deal with all the garbage that administrators choose to toss about. Don't they realize how many teachers change careers because of that stuff? I say "let the teachers teach". Who knows better but you who are the "boots on the ground".
I guess you can't do much about these crazy curriculum people but you can address self care. I have a little jar by my computer with crystals and herbs in it that a hippy dippy friend gave me. She says hold it and feel the energy. Well I look at it and it reminds me I have a friend that cares. We all care about you and don't forget it!
Hugs. Diane S