VSG Maintenance Group

Friday March 10

diane S.
on 3/10/17 11:37 am

Greetings Springy People

Looks like everyone is getting spring except Carbon and Liz. My sympathies on the additional snow. Sun is out here and we are supposed to get 4 or 5 days without rain. It means my clay will dry faster.

133.5 today so down a pound from the "salt fest" Party. You are all so right that socializing makes it easy to nibble and eat. We go to this one nice restaurant which always immediately brings a basket of fancy breads and butter. I tell them not to even set it on the table because if they do they have to throw it out even if untouched.

Yay I vote for mini goats. I want one. I am sure it would be horrible with our dogs. Actually there are big goats living about 3 blocks away and we often see them when walking the dogs. They have a big hill in their field they stand on. Sometimes get loose too. I have seen people with goats and pigs on leashes in the town square where our gallery is. We live in a big barnyard.

Dave, congrats on the 8 lbs lost. Bet you have been more active than you realize.

Hey guess what. I actually joined a gym. Its free under my medicare supplement. The location in our town is somewhat limited but there is a bigger one near my art studio so I am gonna check out the zumba and yoga.

Cauliflower ricotta bake last night. Becoming one of my favorites.

Veterinarian ordered pumpkin added to the diet of our old dog who had the runs. That and a week of antibiotics and also some probiotics and a poop test to look for parasites. The other dogs eat it too. I know people who make home made dog diets and they often add pumpkin. I think its easily tolerated fiber. Seems to have made a difference. No carpet scrubbing lately.

I too am afraid to look at those jeans. I got several really expensive pair when I got to goal. I never wear them.

BB glad the phentermine helps. Many years ago I took the phen-fen thing but had to quit as it blew up my bp.

Shopped at target yesterday. Have actually worn out underpants instead of outgrowing them. An NSV i guess. And got a little clock radio with few buttons and ones I could see. Got the time set but not the alarm. Baby Steps.

Take care my dear ones. Diane s

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(deactivated member)
on 3/10/17 4:11 pm

Not much to say except same old, same old.

Have a phone appt. with my PCP on Monday afternoon. Either he will give me the referral or he will try doing the meds himself or maybe nothing at all. Who knows? I can only wait and see.

In the meantime, I'm just adjusting to the idea that I have BED. And while I read about and contemplate BED I shall settle in with Pizza and a 1/2 gallon of ice cream just to play the part correctly! LOL - just teasing, but there is a part of me that says, "Hey, you have this BED thing. Go for it!" The rational, sane side says, "Do your best. We'll get through this and come out smiling on the other side." Does help to know there is a genetic component to the BED.

Feeling tired, but am off to the gym.
