VSG Maintenance Group
01/10/17 Tuesday
135 OTD.
Arm is starting to get a bit better after starting the antibiotics, so I do think it is cellulitis. Wish I would have started them on Friday instead of Sunday!
Got some snow last night. Enough that the boy's got their car stuck on the way out to school but they got it out without too much difficulty. Landlord was a little late in plowing out the long driveway the boy car is not designed for snow at all!
Day off today. I WILL do something for exercise. No excuses! Dh had wanted to go see a movie but not sure there is anything good enough to pay theater prices for right now.
Liz, good luck with your surgery tomorrow! Hope you don't have too much pain, swelling or bruising!
Diane O - looking forward to seeing your pictures!
124's today.
I am guest host of our team meeting today since our manager is out. I better figure out what the info in the slide deck means!
Have a great day of skinny health!

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
Wt 230
Went to Sams for regular grocery stuff and dog food yesterday. I heard the first Costco in Arkansas opened in Jonesboro. We are planning a trip soon. It is about an hour and 15 min away. Sams is 50 min.
It is warming up here so here comes the rain. I would rather have rain than freezing cold.
Joey jo, hang in there. Prayers and positive energy your way.
Devon, hope your Dad is better.
Liz, Good luck tomorrow.
Carbon, glad you are feeling better.
Shop in the woods is being spray foamed today. My DS#1 is really taking care of us. Doesn't want us to get cold. Next is to polish the concrete floors. The weather is supposed to be good for a while so hope to get a few steps in.
HW=362(6/14) SW=314(9/14) GW=195 CW=270 (1-26-2020)
Pop is home. His chest pain remains undiagnosed. I am concerned by this, but at least it seems clear it is not a heart issue. Nuclear stress test, blood enzymes, EKG all came back fine and normal. Back to the doctor today for more poking and prodding to get to the bottom of it. I am not convinced it is not a gallbladder issue. My gallbladder in the end stage of disease presented as chest pain.
The rain is here. It has been here for 3 days now. It will be here for days and days to come. For dry California this is good. For elementary school kids, not so much! Not so good for elementary school teachers either! LOL!
I am down another good chunk today making it a 6.2 loss for the week. Yay! I am now down to my pre Christmas/New Year weight. Need to lose another 2 pounds to make pre Thanksgiving weight.
I'm continuing to work on visualization and also organizational strategies for successful weight loss and management. This week I am adding weekly and daily planning time. On Sundays I am devoting about 15 minutes deciding my desired outcomes for the week. Then I can look at how over the week I can make these outcomes happen. Each day I will give myself 5-10minutes to name the goals for the day. I am trying to build successful habits of mindfulness. Mindfulness is a big piece that has been missing from weight management program. I am feeling like mindfulness might be my "Final Frontier"! If I can get some of those practices going and habitual, I think I will stand a much greater chance of maintaining my weight, exercise, and general life goals as I achieve them.
I'm sort of cracking up that at almost 53 years old, I'm still working on how to live life. I suppose this is a good thing, but you'd think by this age I'd have it down.
More than anything today I am feeling centered and aware.
Good Afternoon!!! That was my monologue this morning on the way to work...I'm in my 52nd year... just when am I going to figure this out!!! Will I ever be for real and maintain a weight!!! I've started a bullet journal. Yesterday, I was in quite a funk and it seem to help to get some of the negativity out and then focus on some positives. I tracking with paper and pencil in this journal, as well; writing down what I will eat for the day and yesterday I stuck to it with the exception of 12 almonds and some cheese. I did add them to my journal. Today, has been a good day so far with the food plan. Mentally, I'm in a better place. Especially after my jeans stretched out a bit. Good Lawd there were tight!!! Anyway, trying to feed my soul and not my stomach!!!
Can't wait to see the Yoga room. I'm planning on going to Yoga tomr and Thursday.
I'm rearranging the Library so getting lots of steps in, lifting and cleaning.
I'm feeling renewed and up for the task!!!
Greetings Excellent Friends
132.5, Don't get it as I have not been eating badly. Last night was shrimp and carrots. Go figure.
Today is a gallery work day. Its raining and I have to park some distance away and carry all the toys I need in. It will be slow and boring since no one will be out and about in the rain. We get one clear day tomorrow and then more rain. My friends up in the mountains got snowed in for a while but they are the rugged type and doing fine. Need to do a number of errands today but won't get it done at the rate I am going.
Liz, good luck and let us know how you are doing when you are able. Paula, glad you are doing better.Diane O, congrats on jumping right into retirement and finding much good stuff to do. People who don't know what to do when retired amaze me. There is so much fun stuff.
Watched the college championship game last night, excellent game even though I don't care about either team it was great to see the underdog win.
Kairk, you are so organized about this whole process. We all learn a lot from you.
Well, gotta pack some food for gallery duty. I will be there until six and need to eat while there.
Puppy is finally housebroken. But just as that came about, the ancient dog has started having "accidents". Its always something.
Cheers for the new year. Diane S.