VSG Maintenance Group
Happy New Years Eve 2016!
Last day of the year! How long do you think it will take you to remember to write 2017?
116.5 - Going to our old town to see DD and former neighbors. Should be a fun evening (we will be home before midnight though). Sounds like DD is going to move out but doesn't want to tell her Dad yet. I don't know if that is because she isn't fully certain or because she thinks it will disappoint him. I do feel sorry for DD's boyfriends children. He has had DD fully engaged in their lives so this is breaking that up too. Not good for them to have the instability.
Have a wonderful last day of the year and talk to you next year!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Wt no change. Cal~ 1300
DS#1 got the plumbing to the shower done in the shop in the woods so I can patch the concrete back in the ditch. Then he has a concrete polishing machine that he/me is going to use on the floors. It will be the best wood shop I have ever been in. He has some cabinet work already lined up when we get tools moved in. I am really looking forward to 2017. That is a first in many years. Hiking trails all in the woods. Deer, turkeys, fox, owls, hawks, all kind of ground critters and coyotes. No bears allowed. Airstream is still not finished. I am blocked on the shower. It won't be long though. I feel a muse coming on.
HW=362(6/14) SW=314(9/14) GW=195 CW=270 (1-26-2020)
on 12/31/16 7:33 am
Morning all.
Dave, am excited for you. Kairk I truly understand. Truly. Paula, family issues, painful at times.
went for a tiny walk yesterday with a very busy 3 year old. Amazing energy!
Too much of the wrong food and too much salty foods. Very bloated. All the excess food is going hom with guests.
happy New Years everyone!
132.4, down! Hallelujah!
Have an awful head cold which started yesterday.
Party for the youngest one tonight - I'll put earplugs in so I can sleep. DH and I will have a nice dinner at home (crab for me, steak for him) then will go the 6:15 showing of Fences with Denzel Washington. Will probably be in be before 10!
No words of wisdom today - head is too full of junk!
Hi guys, 123 today, I would say I had better be careful but that feels like a lie considering I have already made (and sampled) peanut brittle. Perhaps appropriately, I ended up with a blister on one palm which threatens my down dog.
DD has a couple of friends coming over tonight. They are having Chinese, I will have crab. My husband will browse all options including fridge leftovers.
I have been musing about my personal bandwidth. It feels like it has massively expanded in recent months and I easily tackle and complete projects now that I could only think about before.
I don't think I realized how much of my brain capacity was tied up in my weight for the last 10-20 years. Now in maintenance, I still think about food/strategies an awful lot but suddenly there seems space for other stuff, too. And working on that other stuff somehow makes food coping easier (but not easy!) Having listened to the vets, I doubt this will last forever but is certainly nice for now.
Have Wonderful Celebration. Hold your Health tight. Say a little prayer for the Washington Huskies who are going up against Alabama tonight.
Lots of love flowing to all of you from the Pacific Northwest!

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
Weight is down .6
Paula, I, too, have a cold. Boooooo! I am happy though that it is a cold that does not make me feel sick. I have congestion like nobody's business and a very deep and gravely voice. Other than that I feel well.
Having dinner tonight with a group of friends in Po Dunk, CA (or as my BF calls it "In the middle of F'ing Nowhere"). It's really a small town called Dixon about 70 miles from here on the way to Davis or Sacramento. There is a family run restaurant at the main intersection of town (downtown is about 3 blocks long) that I discovered many years ago when showing dogs down the road at the Dixon May Fairgrounds. Good eats. Protein centered, too!
I am doing my very best to pull my head out of the sand and prepare for going back into a weight loss mode. I have decided that I can not emotionally tolerate this weight. I simply am not comfortable physically either. BUT, I worked out with my trainer yesterday and I really am strong. Not in the sense that I can power lift, but my stamina is really quite good. Ron had a training session immediately after mine and I was struck by how different our levels of fitness are. In our past he has always been the much more fit partner. Now I'm the more fit partner by a long shot. So, overweight, yes, but I am pleased about my physical fitness level and abilities!
From my 12 Steps for Self Care pic I am going to make my main focus #5 - "Never speak bad about yourself" (Yes, the grammar is horrid, but the sentiment is awesome and something to which I must aspire.) I have a tendency towards self deprecation. Whether humorous or not, I need to stop the negative talk altogether. I am also going to explore in fits and spurts, I think, my ongoing feelings of never quite measuring up or feeling less than others.
See? Lots of positive stuff on the plate for 2017! I am cautiously optimistic for the coming year.
Keeping my fingers crossed for puppies, too! Please, please, please! One of my goals with pups this year is to prove that I can raise a litter without eating my way through the process. Looking back at last year's litter, there was a lot of relationship upset in the mix and I have a feeling that was more the cause of the food medicating than the pups. Couple that with lack of sleep..... and there you go!
Happy Reveling this New Year's Eve, my friends - my family.
When you mention "raise a litter without eating [your] way through the process", it made me think about the fact that with the arrival of all 3 of my children I gained a lot of weight after they arrived (1 by birth and the other 2 through adoption). I wonder if humans are somehow conditioned to do that when nurturing???
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Greetings New Year's Skinnies
Well we made it through 2016 without gaining loads of weight. We all held the line pretty well. I am still at 133 and thats probably up 5 lbs or so from last year so I need to get after it as much or more than anyone here.
Condolences to those of you with colds. I will do anything to avoid a cold as its so miserable. I still think Zicam helps. That and a good long steamy shower. Hubby is sneezing and throat clearing a lot and thinks he has a bronchitis flair up. I wish he would go to doctor.
Good for all of you that are getting rid of the unnecessary leftovers. I went and bought quite a few fresh veggies yesterday so we would have them around. Half go bad before they get eaten but at least we have some choices.
And Kairk , not speaking ill of yourself is a good goal. If you find yourself thinking bad of yourself, try to think of something good instead which I know there are tons of complementary thoughts.
Well the Huskers got clobbered by Tennessee. I too hope the Huskies beat Alabama.
For new years eve, we might go to a movie but more likely will stay home, go to bed early, and be awakened by fireworks (and gunfire) at midnight.
cheers diane s
Well I just got curious. One year after my vsg I weighed 129. One year ago I weighed 128. so I have gained about 5 pounds this year. Thats 5 too many. Useful to have these weights recorded over all these years in this group since I don't write them down anywhere else.
The word of the day is PROTEIN. Diane S