VSG Maintenance Group
Tues. Dec13
Today is DS #2's 17th birthday. My how fast that time goes! Each year the kids get to pick their birthday treat and dinner. His is easy this year - Jimmy Johns and he wanted a big ol Cinnabon roll but we don't have any Cinnabons around here so I will just make him the tube cinnamon rolls with Cinnabon frosting. No real draw for me to partake in that - yay! He will have a party on Friday with lots of kids (maybe up to 20!) Lots of goodies served then, but again, not much of it is a big draw for me. They will decorate Christmas cookies and can each take some home which will leave less here to eat after the party!
Day off today. Present wrapping and exercise is on the agenda!
Good Morning!!! Hanging in there...lots of though provoking things going on in my head about my current weight. Can I be happy here? Can I stay here? Tired of the ever loving weight conversations I have in my head, but it's necessary!!
THREE parties this week...will mutter through the best I can. And, then a family gathering on Saturday. I do love the family time and will concentrate on that!!
Hope all is well with you and yours!
Good morning!
121's. Too much coffee yesterday. Stayed up too late in a tired stupor. Ate waaaaay too many pecans. Being tired/up too late is my enemy.
I ended up needing to work most of the staff luncheon but all the leftovers ended up in the break room. That's actually a worse environment because I am frequently by myself in there (I don't like to eat crap in front of witnesses). Overall, I did o****il my evening pecan-Palooza.
I have much of the next few days off, will try hard to maintain my intervals between meals with no grazing. That (and sleep) seems to be key to better flow thru-out day and evening.
Work to stay in the present,

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
Well, I suppose I should feel thankful that my weight remained the same today as yesterday, but I'm not really. I ate well. I exercised (a full HIIT weight circuit followed by 2.25 miles on the elliptical...) and drank plenty of water. My body and scale had other ideas for my psyche to deal with today. (s****** s******)
I honestly thought about just trying to maintain this upcoming week. The push to get things done before break at school is intense. I have a meeting after school and another tomorrow before school. I was slated to run the school wide holiday sing on Friday, too. On top of that the superintendent of schools is coming to my classroom on Friday to see how my third graders were able to create report inquiries (different style of writing reports based on interests rather than teacher mandate) about different countries using chromebooks and Google slides. Lots to do in only a few days.
My principal is a social creature and high energy. She loves team building and breaking bread as a faculty and staff. She sprung a last minute cookie exchange on us and went around to each teacher asking that he or she participate. I hate events like this, but felt obligated. I'm making cookies tonight. The only cookies I don't really like actually take a long time to make, so I'm going with a chewy ginger molasses cookie - a middle of the road pull for me. I should be okay.
Yesterday Ron says to me that he's tired of being fat (he has a big belly, but is still a skinny mini in all other respects). I remind him about the website I subscribe to and once again offer to give him access. He then says to me that if "we do this" I (meaning me) need to not have anything tempting in the house or bring anything in to the house. I remind him that he is the one who insisted on going to See's candy the other day for chocolates. Then I think to myself, but don't verbalize that he is the one who goes to Peet's and Starbuck's on the weekends and orders pastries and stops at Taco Bell on the way home from teaching. He is the one who orders pot pies and keeps pot pies in the freezer for snacks. He is the one who has a huge hot chocolate every night. I got sort of pissy that because I'm the designated fat person I also am supposed to assume responsibility for his eating and weight loss. F that! I don't mind being supportive, but I'll be damned if his eating is my responsibility. I have enough on my plate. I don't need that responsibility, too. Does that make sense, or am I being uncharitable?
Here's to making good choices during the remaining weeks of the eating season. Only 19 days until it's over for this year! Onward, onward, onward we trudge!
on 12/13/16 10:38 am - NJ
Save yourself.
After the stressful ordeal with my niece's surgery being kept secret from me because of the "pressure" my brother and sister-in-law feared I would put on her about my rules, I have learned the hard way to only worry about saving myself. BTW, it is still being kept secret, even though my son is now openly going through the process. My niece, brother and sister-in-law have told many people including my other brother and his wife. It is so weird, but it is their issue, not mine. They will discover that the rules are not mine and any pressure will come from not following the rules.
Greetings fine maintainers
Still at 132. Brought home a hot roasted chicken from Safeway last night and its good. Several more meals taken care of. Plus skin for dogs.
Heavy rains predicted starting tonight and probably lowland flooding. We are on high enough ground to be safe. Also king tides predicted and there are some little coastal areas that almost always flood. So glad we got all the yard brush cut and hauled away yesterday. Awesome worker we found.
Well I don't blame you Kairk for being a bit unhappy with your partner. My husband is a sleever but he has regained quite a bit. He eats these little ice cream bars, goldfish crackers, peanuts and lately FROZEN WHITE CASTLE HAMBURGERS!!! I fix a healthy bariatric appropriate dinner every night so no excuse there. I just let him be. Can't force him to not eat that stuff. But I do drag him and force him to see Dr. Cirangle whenever he comes up here.
Well I ought to get out and walk the little demon Tesla today while its not pouring. Gallery banking, a few errand and thats about my day. Should force myself to Christmas shop but why rush.
Peace and good health. Diane
Wt 227 I don't like this number but I accept it until my actions change. Went to a party last night at our bee club. I mostly did okay but over all eating remains heavy in the nuts and yogurt. It is bad when I would STILL rather have nuts and yogurt over party food. One more family party but It should be easy. DW's traditional family Christmas meal is taco salad.
As partners in WLS it is easier with DW if we are on the same page with eating. We don't bring the others' temptation into the house. We are supportive of each other. We have different triggers. She is not a contributor or responsible for my slips off plan.
HW=362(6/14) SW=314(9/14) GW=195 CW=270 (1-26-2020)