VSG Maintenance Group
Thursday December 8
119.25 this morning. Ate a fair amount of hummus when stressed finishing up mortgage package for the Florida condo yesterday. BUT did not eat the homemade cookies which were available! I think DH is going to the "reveal" with me tonight, so there may be pictures (if he can manage the camera on my phone).
Already looking forward to the weekend, but the next couple of days should go fast. Meetings all day today and tomorrow.
Have a skinny eating day!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
on 12/8/16 4:02 am
Congrats Kairk on your surgerversary!!! And Paula on the condo papers! And everyone else for staying true.
Calories were a respectable 869 but walking was only 2988. Still very slippery and scary.
We sleep with the window open and a few minutes ago, we hear loud crunching noises from the road. Not car crunching. Look out and there are 5-6 women walking. No talking, just walking. Strange. I mean I get the early morning stroll but at 3am?
Another snow storm rolling in tonight. In one of the British Columbia's major newspapers there was an article about how the rest of Canada sends it best wishes and advice to coastal B .C . On how to survive a snow storm. Very helpful, heh, heh.
Were those women zombies? Please say they were zombies! Then hide, maybe with the bear.
LOL about coastal BC being the weather wimps of Canada. Right there with you! Massive worries here that the snow will hit Seattle during afternoon commute. Might as well not go to work!
120's. Loving my yoga cave. For one thing, there is no refrigerator.
Hug your skinny today! Don't let the candy snatch it.

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
Weight the same. I have my exercise clothes on, ready to go on that damn treadmill. It didn't take very long for inactivity to feel okay and have lazy Paula awaken. Hoping to turn that around! No candy yet today except for a handful of trail mix that had a few M&M's in it, but mostly nuts and raisins.
Liz, have fun at the reveal. I would love to see pics of it!
Thanks Paula. I hear you about how easy it is to get into lazy mode: I haven't taken a long walk with my doggies for days (my weekday exercise) because it is dark and cold - Need to stop using that as an excuse!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
on 12/8/16 10:10 am - NJ
203 again today. Our office holiday party is tonight, so the scale is staying high to keep me from going off the rails at the party. That's my theory, because I have not earned this uptick.
Party plan -- shrimp to start, then probably more shrimp, I love shrimp. They usually have lots of clean choices, so I'm not afraid to veer off-plan. Dessert trays usually include fruit dipped in dark chocolate which is plenty good to satisfy me and prevent me from looking at the more dangerous options.
Shrimp is good! Enjoyable and fills you up!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
I am down another 1.8 today. Seriously? Damn! I'm down 5.8 since Monday. I guess between the clean eating, having that very productive bathroom day, and letting go of water as some of my glycogen stores get used I'm losing at a fairly good clip. Gotta say, it's motivating. I know it won't continue this way for any length of time, but it would be fun to lose 7 pounds by next week. All I can do is continue with the behavior. The scale will eventually follow suit.
Shel, thank you for mentioning your doctor's view on regain. It was a great reminder and motivator for me.
I had my first evening of feeling hungry. I was a bit surprised because it's usually day two that is tougher for me. The two teaspoons of PB were not a "force" last night to get in enough calories, but rather a sort of a "make the empty feeling stop" tactic.
I did not make my bedtime goal last night. Booooo.... Should be easier tonight.
Two upcoming food concerns: The first is tomorrow's staff Pie - Palooza. I have decided to NOT participate, but the teacher's room will be filled with pies and pies and more pies. I have to go in there to heat my lunch, but I may choose to eat my lunch back in my classroom. Not sure if I have the fortitude to manage a Pie Palooza. The second is a dog club meeting on Saturday. These meetings are centered around appetizers, a meal and dessert. It's more a social thing. I have to go, so not attending isn't an option. The meeting will be harder for me than the pie event. The meeting typically goes on for several hours. I'm thinking of having a very late breakfast and going almost uncomfortably full. What do you guys think of that? Please understand that "free food" events are for me the absolute most difficult food event to navigate.
Best news of the week? My grooming and show client cancelled for today and for the shows this weekend. I have a FREE WEEKEND! I'm so excited! Lazy mornings, laid back days...what could be better?
5.8 Kairk! You plan is really working for you!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Greetings Dear Maintainers
Couldn't post earlier because the phone rang and I was already late to another meeting. Whatever.
So I didn't weigh today but hoping I am still keeping it down. Really, if I lost a half pound a month I would be fine in a year.
Meeting was lunch and our hostess belongs to some kind of Bean-of -the Month club where they send out packages of heritage beans and a cool cookbook. I think its called Rancho Gordo or something like that. I love beans but don't eat them often.
Tesla pooped on the sofa today. WTF? She has been difficult to house train. Other puppies have always followed the older dogs around and always sort of trained themselves.
Got some glazing done for what is probably my last work before Christmas. Firing Saturday. Need to plan some new artistic directions as after the first of the year I need creativity influx. Mendocino art center has wonderful workshops that I would like to attend. We shall see. Wish hubby would come do one also. He is a fine photographer.
So Kairk, when you groom dogs for clients I take it it is show grooming? Lot of work. Even border terriers that are supposed to look natural take a lot to get them that was. I am hoping Tesla's breeder co owner will do most of it since my hands are so messed up its hard to pluck that dead fur. Plus Tesla hates any kind of grooming -especially toenail clipping. Total brat.
Best wishes to all through this food mine field season. Diane S.