VSG Maintenance Group
Wednesday Oct 26
on 10/26/16 12:49 am
Evasive sleep yet again.
yesterday was not good. Worked through lunch, which had forgotten to bring and as the office is quite a ways out of town there was no time to go home and the only place to purchase something is a convenience store which is small and sells mainly candy and junk food. Someone brought in muffins which were dry, but of course that did not stop me. After work went to my volunteer job and ate, 10, count 'em, 10 very unhealthy cookies.
At home supper was very simple, scrambled eggs with veggies and
did bypass the toast. But here I am wanting to arise and bake. Sugar and flour longings are horrendous, so am planning to go downstairs, far away from the kitchen and sort out a pile of stuff. Plus drink lots of water.
For me, staying away from sugar and flour is the only way I can do it. Moderation with those things are not in my vocabulary.
Steps though were 9655 so that helped a bit but feel hung over. Am going to freeze some soups etc so that can keep at work for just such occasions.
The learning never ends. Hope that you all had a good day and that you are sleeping the sleep of the just.
So sorry you are struggling Carbon!
This is my "drive-by" check-in as I had to go to the office again this morning. I was gone from 5:16am-7:00pm yesterday but hoping I'll be home by 5:30 or 6 today. 123.5 this morning - calories were low yesterday (making up for the prior day) mostly because I didn't have time to look for anything other than what I had packed during the day, then dinner when I got home (and in bed an hour later).
Have a great day!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Sorry you had a rough day Carbon, we've all Dad days when the damn cookies get the best of us. Today is a new day!!
139.8 today. At work and one of the girls brought in a pumpkin cake of some sort. Will try to avoid it!! This woman means well but if she sees by mid day I haven't tried her cake she will cut a piece and leave it on my desk. She's sweet but it's so challenging!
Hopw you all have a great day!
Heather :)

Highest Weight: 268 pounds. Surgery Weight 248 pounds. Current Weight 142 pounds. VSG 8/24/15 with Dr. Havaleshko
on 10/26/16 10:04 am - NJ
This reminds me of Bill Burr's fantasy of mashing muffins. http://youtu.be/LnOg01N1u3w If you mashed the piece of cake she leaves on your desk, it would probably break her of her well-meaning sabotage. Probably.
Sleep through pharmacy for me. But recent med changes sleep has been frightful. But sleeping later.
Yesterday I went to the grocery store. Walked by the yogurt on my way to the deli. Didn't buy but it is in my head. The head is fighting against the rest of me. And the rest of me fights back. HOW can nuts and yogurt have that much power? This to will pass if I can move onward.
The battle never ends.
HW=362(6/14) SW=314(9/14) GW=195 CW=270 (1-26-2020)
126 today. I am moving back to seafood mode.....I want to reduce calories and I love shrimp, etc. I have been in a bit of a mood lately....besides allowing more carby veges/fruits into diet, I haven't felt like wearing my compression stuff. All of this will add up to weight gain of various sorts. Don't wanna see it. I'll be scheduling my 2 year follow up soon, that should be some motivation, too.
Yoga'd yesterday but poor steps. Will be super busy with work for a couple of weeks because the other pharmacist is out of town. I have been much better at doing today's work today which is huge for me. Being behind just paralyzes me.
Carbon, I love your idea about having frozen food available at work esp since you don't have options nearby for decent food. My dysfunctional brain is sad that I have plenty of options for healthy food near work!
Paula, I'm looking forward to your PS! Dave, I'm looking forward to your book(s). One of them should be named Nuts and Yogurt. Heather, I know that baker lady is sweet but really that is a kind of an aggressive sweet, don't cha think?
Time to yoga --- believe in yourself today,

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
on 10/26/16 10:15 am - NJ
Since being advised of upcoming short checks and being warned about my excessive lateness and absences (due to my mother's last illness and death at the beginning of the year, my son's hospitalizations and my son-in-law's massive stroke), I got sick as a dog. Monday night, I was curled up with a severe stomach ache, to the point that I was crazily afraid might be surgery related. I was so sick in the morning, but showered and dressed for work. My son blocked my way and asked where I was going. I told him, to work. Duh. He shook his head, but I insisted I was fine. I wasn't. He asked what if I was contagious. Sonova***** I emailed my boss and supervisor, changed into comfy clothes and cuddled up on the couch. It's only money. I went to sleep at 7:30 and woke up at 7:00 a.m. feeling brand new, although a bit weak and a little sore like I'd been in a fight.
Because of the dehydration of being sick, my weight went down to 200.2 yesterday. At some point, it was probably One-derland, but not real, so I stayed off the scale. After drinking all day, I was back up to 202, but I see One-derland on the horizon.
Yesterday, I had some Campbell's chicken noodle soup. Because I was sick. By dinnertime, I was feeling a bit better, but had nothing ready to roll, so I caved and made mac n cheese for my son. I had less than half a cup and could not eat it. I had a protein bar instead.
While I was making boxed powdery mac n cheese, I put frozen chicken into the crock pot with broth, salt, pepper, baby carrots, celery and a couple of potatoes (that I will avoid). It took less time than the mac n cheese and it smelled so good this morning. I cut up the chicken, mixed it up, set it to simmer and am looking forward to deliciousness for a while.
Greetings Terrific Peeps
At last, 131.5. Right direction. Ate smoked tofu sticks for lunch instead of cheese. They aren't half bad and are filling. Lucky the hippy dippy food store is near my usual haunts of gallery and studio so can always head there. Wish you had the same option Carbon. Nothing good in convenience stores. Frozen soup portions are a good idea. Especially in the winter.
Get well and stay well everyone. Chicken soup is not only curative, I think its preventative. Add lemon juice, drop an egg or two into it, and use lots of celery instead of noodles.
Gallery duty this afternoon. Imagine me walking in circles because thats what I will do if its not busy. At least I can do some banking and get some steps in walking to the bank.
Well rain predicted here all week including halloween. That means we may be stuck with a boatload of extra candy which I will take to the Rescue Mission or somewhere inhabited by skinny people.
Well onward and upward (or hopefully downward on the scale). Diane S
Down a pound plus today. I will admit that I suffered a few moments of carb "withdrawal" yesterday. I called it what it was and was able to get past with relative ease.
The way yesterday afternoon unfolded caused me to miss my afternoon meal/snack. I went over 7 hours without eating. After my clients left and I checked on Ace I ate a Quest Bar and ½ oz of almonds at 7:30. I don't think it would have mattered what I ate at that point, whatever I chose would have been a trigger. I was hungry. I did not let the cravings caused by the Quest Bar sway my resolve.
My pants feel tight around the waist today. They were not hard to button up, but too snug. Major muffin top. A good reminder to stay on track! But I do understand how some people find tight clothes demeaning and punishing.
Carbon, I've done exactly the same thing with the cookies. Sh'it (Shoot, it) happens! Troubling as it is, it's part of who we are. All we can do is work on better coping skills and realizing that the cookies don't do jack for us in the long run - though the party in the mouth is pleasant as it happens.
David, do you mean you had pharmaceutically induced sleep?
Happy Hump Day to all!