VSG Maintenance Group
Wednesday October 5th
Paula, great step day! It can be weird sleeping in a new place.
WT 220 Cal 1185
Spent the day doing errands. My mom is 85 and almost blind. She has iPhone 6S plus. With the last upgrade there is a pretty good magnifier that uses the camera. I was trying to teach the one new program and someone else at the assisted living center turned on another. VERY frustrating to find a more difficult program turned on when she hasn't mastered the first one. She also has a small problem with memory. She says she doesn't want to call me. WHY??? I live 15 min away and I know how her phone works. So she asks random people to fix her phone. If you have iphone and you are running IOS 10.0.2 do not turn on "voice over" in accessibilities. If you do close your eyes and pretend you are blind. I feel more frustrations in my future.
Have a happy Wednesday.
HW=362(6/14) SW=314(9/14) GW=195 CW=270 (1-26-2020)
Oh boy I don't envy you trying to sort out the phone for your mom. I gave up on helping my dad with technology several years back because he always claimed there. Was something wrong with the equipment.
Ht: 5'2" | HW 225, BMI 41.2 | CW 115, BMI 21.0
on 10/5/16 6:52 am
Good morning all.
EVERYONE seems very busy. And as autumn deepens life does seem to be busier. Happy trails to the soon-to-be travellers and travellers.
food was excellent other then a cube of cake that a colleague made and insisted that I try as she watched with puppy-dog eyes. It was delicious. Steps were 7,675.
Dave on behalf of all of us technically challenged Moms, thank you. ANd Paula so happy for you about the sleep.
You're doing well my friend! Hang in there. Any word on a surgery date?
Ht: 5'2" | HW 225, BMI 41.2 | CW 115, BMI 21.0
Hi Guys!
124 today, no formal yoga yesterday and steps subpar due to me being a weanie and not wanting to walk in coldish rain even tho I have all the right clothes to walk in coldish rain. I think I will dig out my bubble-butt rain pants that were so successful in Alaska, then there is no excuse.
I have already been to a 6am yoga class this morning so am feeling righteous. (That isn't a very yogi thing to admit but there I am.)
Yes, a busy time of year. Homecoming is this week so DD looks to be overbooked all of the time. They do seem to be having a lot of silly fun everyday. When was the last time you were simply silly? Maybe you teachers do it all of the time? I think people with purple houses must have a strong silly/whimsical streak.
I am going to my MIL's for a rare middle of the week visit. She desperately needs new clothes and her order arrived last night. Fingers crossed that I didn't order too small.
Dave, I'm glad that your mom can work an i-phone. My MIL was an early Mac/Apple adopter but has, unfortunately, lost all of those abilities. My parents were early PC adopters and still pretty good with devices. Of course, none of us are as good as the grandkids.
Have a great day all!

HW:361 SW:304 (VSG 12/04/2014)Mo 1:-32 Mo 2:-13.5 Mo 3: -13.5 Mo 4 -9.5 Mo 5: -15 Mo 6: -15 Mo 7: -13.5 Mo 8: -17 Mo 9: -13 Mo 10: -12.5 11/3/2015 Healthy BMI Reached! Mo 11: -9 Mo 12: -8 12/27/2015 Goal Weight Reached!
Silly? Absolutely! At least twice per week. Goofy-daily. It is a must with third grade boys! The girls secretly enjoy their goofy teacher, too. If you only knew the things we talk about to desensitize them from the hysteria that surrounds a fart! Did you know the average person passes gas a minimum of 14 times per day and that meat farts stink more than vegetable farts? We do because we read Everybody Poops!
Not really sure what Homecoming is, but sounds like it's a fun time for the kids. Silliness is always good.
Ht: 5'2" | HW 225, BMI 41.2 | CW 115, BMI 21.0
Gotta love technology! I'm currently about 35,000 feet above middle America, over Wyoming to be precise!
Happy to be getting away. We both need this break. As the plane lifted off the ground I uttered a whispered and gleeful wheeeeee!
Packed Quest bars and LOTS of low carb beef jerky! I am determined to make my goal of staying protein forward the entire trip. Taking a page out of Linda's play book,my deal with myself is that I can eat crap carbs after I've eaten a full serving of protein and veggies. That will/should keep me in check.
Very little sleep last night. Maybe 2 hours. Stayed up too late doing odds and ends and then was up before 3.
Please keep your fingers crossed that a new and functioning scale will be waiting for me when I get home.
So thrilled that you're getting a break! Will Ella be there?
Ht: 5'2" | HW 225, BMI 41.2 | CW 115, BMI 21.0