VSG Maintenance Group

Weds. August 3

diane S.
on 8/3/16 12:20 pm

Greetings Wednesday Warriors

130.5 still. At least I am not going up the escalator of blubber. Got the dogs walked yesterday for quite a few steps. Spent much of the day doing bank deposits for the studio and gallery since I am filling in while our studio director is on vacation. Had to get payroll for staff and then do do bank deposits for the gallery. We had about $50 more than computer said we should but unsnarled that error. With 28 different people running the cash register its amazing it ever comes out. Then I had to do all the checks to pay the artists.  Quick books point of sale is not exactly user friendly to a bunch of creative people. But I sold quite a bit from my featured show and now am considering new directions. 

Sounds like the injured among us are doing better. Thats good. Well Carbon, maybe you could do exercises from a chair. 

Well I gotta renew my drivers license since i will be 65 soon. At least the DMV will make an appointment. Hubby flunked the eye test on his and had to get new glasses. Hope I pass it. 

Puppy Tesla was absolutely wild last night. Into everything.

Yes our adult dogs sleep in our bed. Puppy sleeps in a crate with a warmer and toy and we don't even want her to know about the bed until she is older.  Chip sleeps on Hubby's head - really a snuggler. But these dogs only weigh 15 lbs or so. Old Liza has her own blanky at the foot of the bed. 

Keep on truckin' all you travelers and keep us posted. Diane S.

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