VSG Maintenance Group
Sunday, 6/28
Off to a Sunday wedding. I've never been to a wedding on a Sunday before. In fact, I was convinced I had written down the date incorrectly! It will be outdoors and the weather is perfect - sunny, cool, and promises not to be above 85-90 this afternoon.
Up again a smidgeon on the scale, but normal for me after Friday's hard workout. My arms and chest are still sore which means water retention. Staying the path, not changing a thing.
on 6/28/15 9:13 am
Enjoy the wedding!
Hot here on the west coast. Very. Just did laundry and weed whacking those pesky dandelions. Baked three cakes, two bars and cookies for an event next week. Into the freezer they go. Of course sampled the dough but not as bad as usual.
Scale up. Could be salt, although drank enough water yesterday to float a battle ship you would have thought that would have helped.
Have a good one.