VSG Maintenance Group
Wednesday 5/27/15 check-in
Hi All! Weight was down .7 lbs. from Monday's weight. I know the scale yoyos, so trying to just stay in the day and recognize it could be up, down, or the same tomorrow, but this is the lowest yet since I got back on track, and I'm feeling encouraged.
Another warm, humid day in central Maine. Also, another busy day at work. Referrals to our program continue to come out of the woodwork! Great for business, though I'll have to carry a small caseload myself, as the case managers I supervise can't absorb so many new people. But, not enough new people to hire another case manager. It will certainly keep me busy and out of trouble! :) Have a wonderful Wednesday! Mary
I hear you Apple about not letting the scale dictate how the day goes. So much of this journey is in my head. If the scale is up just a little, I automatically feel fatter, and, if it's down, I feel lighter. However, in reality, a few tenths of a pound, give or take, doesn't make any difference. So, like you, I'm trying to realize that my weight is just a number, and, as long as I'm following a healthy lifestyle and recognize when my choices aren't the best, then it's all ok.