VSG Maintenance Group
Daily Maintenance Check-In Tuesday March 17
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I didn't get a chance to weigh myself this morning. It was a hectic morning at my house and by the time I got the bathroom to get ready, my oldest was nagging to leave as she had special testing today. I got ready in a flash and left. Food was clean yesterday, so I'm okay.
Today at work, we're having a pot luck. We had to make something green to bring, so I made guacamole (part of the hectic morning!), which I can have. Hopefully someone will bring veggies, as I need to avoid the chips. I have food in my little fridge if there's no food I can eat at the pot luck, or no good protein sources. Pot lucks can be a stumbling block for me, so I am trying to mentally prep myself. I may just make a plate of my own food and join the group.