VSG Maintenance Group
The evil dessert queen strikes again
Well I was feeling pretty smug about the july 4th party at friends who always have tons of good food because I have handled it fine before. And one lady (a lovely person) I call the evil dessert queen because she always makes fabulous desserts. In the past I have always had a tiny serving and been satisfied.
Well this time I met my Waterloo. The dessert was homemade ice cream sandwiches with the best choc cookie crust i have ever tasted. my husband got a full serving because they were hard to divide and because he is a sleever too we decided to share a few bites. well he ate about two bites and had to quit. I ate a few bites and planned to quit but it was so good i just couldn't stop eating it. I would put it down and say to myself "no more" and two minutes later have another bite. sleeve seemed to have plenty of room for this slider food. So I didn't eat the whole thing but a pretty good amount. And the next day I was up two pounds. Now I know this did not have 7000 calories in it and I was only about 5 or 600 over for the day, but jeez, no wonder i got so fat. my former self would have eaten two or three of these.
So I am really going to have to be firm about cutting my own serving of any such item and not letting someone bring me a whole piece and say " just eat what you can".. Doesn't work. na ga do it. diane
Yup, I found this out on my own skin not that long ego. I have to be in total control of my portion sizes as well as what goes on my plate or else my fat brain takes over and it's over before it even started. Great lesson for all of us. I am sure you will lose the two pounds in a day or two, but it's the fact that you are staying accountable that matters here not the calories from one dessert.
Yeah, I had the same thing happen while my sleeve bestie was here visiting. She is very good at having a little and then being done. She jokingly says that she has a Wonder Woman pyloric valve because at 3 years out she gets full very fast. She is 5' 10" and eats maybe 1 oz more than me. I'm jealous as hell of her pyloric valve.
She can eat a couple small handfuls of popcorn at a movie and the close up the ******g bag and take it home. What the hell???
I really struggled with staying on course while she was here and I finally decided that I needed to call her visit a vacation for me. I ended up gaining 3 lbs.
It's coming back off now, but it was an eye opener for me. I still have a lot of **** to work on.
I am grateful that I never have been a sweet person. However, I do like crunchy, and I don't mean carrots. Dry crunchy stuff like thick pretzels, rye melba toast, croutons... stuff like that.
I recently tried popcorn for the first time since surgery. Amazingly (maybe only to me) I could eat a HUGE bowl. I popped 1/4 cup of kernels in a microwave popper and ate all of them. No butter, only seasoned salt. Wow, that was a surprise. I guess they are a true slider food for me.
I occasionally will buy a small package of something I shouldn't eat and eat some and toss the rest right away. That helps me stay on track. As long as I don't do it regularly, I am amble to stay pretty close to my maintenance weight.
I am grateful everyday for my surgery. Otherwise I would be carrying that 50 extra pounds plus more. Reading Frisco's post on 'I see me' really made me feel sad for everyone who is really overweight.