VSG Maintenance Group
I'm hungry all the time- gaining weight
you might set regular times for meals and snacks in between and then only eat at those times to get out of the habit of eating whenever you feel hungry and retrain your hunger to come at those times. might be hard for awhile. reread frisco's post about the pyloric valve and try to capitalize on getting that closed.
I find I eat less if I keep busy and am out of the house. I used to want to eat more when at my former desk job that i didn't like much so i was always looking for some excuse to get up and often that was to eat. so find other stuff to do at these moments. If i stay at home all day i tend to want to nibble more so i put the almonds and stuff out of sight so i don't cruize the kitchen or eat it because i see it.
at 2 years and 3 months I do feel more hunger now than even 6 months ago but am determined to take advantage of restriction. so i eat more veggies with meals now and have grapes as a snack as they are low calorie.
sometimes it seems like the more you eat the more you are hungry. i remember this from the old days. you might try going on the post op 800 cal diet for a few days with super low carbs to try to get out of this syndrome. gl
I feel that the diminished hunger is the saving grace of this surgery and it's how this worked when all my previous diets failed to work long term for me....I hate being hungry and going to bed hungry...
I sure hope that whatever you are experiencing can be fixed....
Have you had a picture of your stomach taken recenly? Is it possible that it dilated too much allowing a lot more room to fill it up?
Or maybe unfortunately, your body started producing the ghrelin hormone from other places which stimulates the hunger drive...I did read that this is possible although I think it is rare....
I'd definitely go back to the surgeon for a visit to try to determine the cause and what could be done to help fix it...
You could also try to eliminate the soft foods and stick to dense solid proteins like beef or other meats and see if it helps keep you more satisifed throughout the day.
Good luck!
I'm sorry you're having this problem, and I totally sympathize with your frustration!
Have you had a gastric emptying study done? I had one done a while back--they're easy and then you will know for sure how quickly your tummy is emptying. I'd contact Dr. C--I'm sure he'd order the study for you. There may be meds that can slow the emptying...worth a shot anyway..
Thank you for posting Jen C, you're not alone!
Please give this a shot. I suspect that this might be related to blood sugar issues. I get a lot of hunger and cravings daily if I don't take certain supplements. Every day I take two supplements that are a MUST for me.
Try this and see if it helps you. It works wonders for my hunger issues. It may be fast gastric emptying, but it may also be hormonal due to blood sugar fluctuations.
I get hungry a lot too if I don't take my sups. I also crave sweets a lot. Also as someone mentioned, please take the probiotics. I would cut out the meatballs (often have breading in them which will set off cravings), the cheese which will not keep you full, and the greek yogurt.
The protein drinks won't help either. They tend to go right through you, and the artificial sweeteners tend to increase cravings for me, and they actually make me gain weight. Stick to dense protein and veggies only.
Particularly broccoli and chicken, beef or fish are really helpful. Also hunger and cravings are often a sign of nutrient deficiencies. The broccoli is one of the best form of nutrients with HIGH levels of vitamin C etc. The meat provides a good deal of protein. You are eating a lot of man-made foods, which will diminish your results.
I know this sounds very strict, but please give this shot for a week and see if it helps. If it works for you, then the next step is to figure out how to make this LIVABLE for you, because it tends to be very hard. I eat like this and it took me YEARS to really change my behaviors and stick to this all the time.
When I do follow this I feel amazing and hunger is very low. I hope this helps!
Start weight: 388, Current Weight: 185, Goal Weight: 180, Weight Lost: 203 lbs
Certified Nutritionist ♥ VSG FAQ♥ sublimate: To elevate or uplift.
3/2012 Plastics: LBL, 3 Hernias Fixed, BL/BA, Rhinoplasty & Septum Fix. 6/2013 Plastics: Arm and thigh lift