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I need some advise---sorry kind of long

on 9/22/11 1:18 pm - Atlanta, GA
My weight loss has been very consistent over the past months and I'm pleased with my results so far. I don't have short weekly "stalls" but I have experienced 3 month long stalls (November, March and July) which are followed by huge losses the next month.This is not an unusual pattern for me.  I'm hyper-vigilant about my plan and record everything.

I've got at least another 55-60 to lose and then we'll decide where I go after that (that's a whole different post). My problem is that after a year of very consistent life, I'm experiencing 2 changes effective this week. I'm so afraid it's going to slow things down to a crawl if not stop my losses.

Exercise---Going from 6 days of swimming 1 hour of laps and 45 min of aerobics plus 1 day of 30 mins on the stationary bike  to  4 days of swimming 1 hour of laps and 45 min of aerobics plus 3 days of 30 mins on the stationary bike. Major change in intensity.
Rx Meds---I have hyperthyroid issues (for a long time). My Rx was just increased by 66% as my values are out of whack. This Rx slows my metabolism (by design). I've dealt with it during my post op but this increase scares the sh$#@$ out of me.

Always consistent at 800 cals +/- 25; Protein is 90-95  Carbs are less than 27; Fluids are 75+

Would you change up anything? Or stay the course. I can't do much to change the exercise or Rx situation at this time. Could really use some advise.  Thanks


on 9/22/11 4:20 pm
Hi Elaine......

First huge congrats on 168lbs. lost !!!!!

Total awesome......!!!!

I'm gonna say..... keep doing what your doing..... see what others say..... but I'm almost positive keeping the path is the way to go.

Maybe talk to Jimbo.... he has some views on fluids and proteins..... but I think he may tell you the same thing.....

Lets just put it this way...... if your off.... your not off by much.....your right in the sweet spot !!!!


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

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                                           CAFE FRISCO at LapSF.com

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 9/22/11 10:49 pm - Atlanta, GA
Thanks, Frisco.

I think I'm just scared that these changes will upset the continuing weight loss. I had really settled in to a good routine---day to day---pretty much knowing what to expect as far as pounds down.  It's just getting so much more difficult....not the plan....just the results.

Appreciate the input.  Thanks again.
on 9/22/11 11:57 pm
The choice may be a slightly slowed down weight loss over time in exchange for an increase in your health (getting your meds and thyroid in better working order.) I have to keep telling myself, too, that the object is not just to get skinny, but to get skinny AND healthy (advise from a vet on here that really helped me keep things in perspective.) I would say be extremely vigilant about getting your thyroid in working order (frequent lab checks and appts with your doc), then once that has normalized and your body is happy about that, you can think about "tweaking" your plan, maybe lowering calories. First things first, and as always, cherish and trust your body to be looking out for you.
on 9/23/11 2:20 am - Atlanta, GA
I agree with you 100% about getting healthy. No one will ever use the skinny word around me---even at goal or below!!! And I'll never be dancing on the beach in a bikini. I did this for health and fitness---the appearance part is secondary.

I get the thyroid labs about every 2 months---everything was normal last time but kind of went haywire since then I guess. I'm kind of a nut about meds/vitamins, etc.  Got to get these #s back under control.

Thanks for your good words.
on 9/23/11 1:19 am - Bonner Springs, KS
I agree with Frisco, stay the course.
                                             Living until I die!
on 9/23/11 2:12 am

Also, the closer you get to your goal, the weight loss does slow down and body burns less calories. It helps to change up your exercise routine, because your body does get used to certain exercises and doesn't burn as many calories as it did in the beginning, because it doesn't have to work as hard. I don't see that you are doing any strength training. I would definitely add that in, since lean muscle tissue burns more calories than fat. You really want to be increasing the lean muscle, so that you can keep your metabolism going and you'll be able to add in more calories.


 LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
on 9/23/11 2:32 am - Atlanta, GA

Good thoughts. And you're right about the strength training---I have a program we put together at the gym but I always seem to go for the pool time which I enjoy. Just hate that strength training hour!!!  But I have the weights and equipment here at home--so I'm going to work out a program I can do here.

Thanks, Gail. 

on 9/23/11 2:57 am
I have grown to love the strength training, because I have seen the changes in my body, increase in strength, and increased energy. It has also helped to fill in some of the loose and saggy skin. I will always have some of the loose skin, but the increase in muscle mass has definitely helped to fill in some of the skin. I work out for 2 hours/week with a trainer, so that has helped me to progress rapidly, during the past 10 months. In the beginning, I couldn't do one sit-up or push-up.

I just had my body fat tested, and I am at 11%, which is fantastic for someone my age (57). I was dumbfounded by the results. The testing was done by hydrostatic weighing, which is considered the gold standard for measuring body fat, and the loose skin doesn't have any effects on the results.

 LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
diane S.
on 9/23/11 3:21 am
I agree that you should stay your course. Weight loss often slows in the final months regardless of changes. what you are doing obviously works. I bet your changes don't make that much difference and no point driving yourself nuts if it does a little. When my weight loss was slow my surgeon told me to up my protein by 19 g but I was lower than you so no need to change there. My weight loss actually speeded up with this plus I think I just reached a point where I was naturally more active after sheddding a good amount of weight and that physical activity, even though not formal exercise, made the difference.

The thyroid medicine is important to get that in line and it sounds like you are on a good program. I bet you do fine. Congrats on your great success already.   Diane

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