VSG Maintenance Group
VICTORY over armpit racing stripe!!
Some stuff you KNOW is probably going to happen, loss of hair, extra skin, maybe you lose a shoe size or two, or maybe not.
What I was not prepared for (and of course, would not have been a deal breaker) is the phenom that NOW I have such convex armpits that my dominant pit, no matter how I twist, turn, pull, manipulate, keeps this bizarre racing stripe of hairs that Just Dont Leave.
Shaving alone - I could start to braid and put beads on those durn hairs. PLUS I get razor rash in the rest of my pit because I spend minutes and minutes going over the poor pit to try and get the hairs!
Home waxing made me bleed, cry, and still I was hairy, braidable, beadable.
Using depilitory creams - still leaves hair cuz I cant scrape the hair properly, PLUS I get chemical burn on the rest of the pit because I keep TRYING to get that stupid stuff out!
So of course, the helpful people say
Laser hair removal! Well, were that in my budget, that would be done!
Just pull *like this* Pffft. Dude. If you think after a year and a half of this I havent pulled, tugged and twisted all that was possibly human, you need to pass that freaking bong.
Go get it waxed. It was a good idea, but its not 7 bucks a pop every 2 weeks like eyebrows might be, its 16 bucks (w/o tip) if I go every week because not all the hairs have grown out and they need to pluck them, and if I go every other week its 20 bucks (w/o tip) cuz now the hairs are long and they have to spend more time and wax (i guess!?) on them! Which ends up being a nice chunk O change after a month, a year, etc, that again - I would rather spend on something else, if I had that cash dolla budgeted.
Today I got genious and used the tiny barbie sized razors that are the bikini razors and VOILA!! It fits perfectly into my concave pit and shaved all the hair out!! Yaaay!
So! Be warned, you may get the armpit racing stripe but those tiny 'kini razors could be good for you too!
And thus ends my PSA on tiny 'kini razors and armpit racing stripes.
Sooo... waiting for someone to pass that bong. :}