VSG Maintenance Group
VSG Envy
First, be proud of what you have accomplished. Sounds like you are at a good weight and in good health and feel good and thats what counts. Share any hints you have at maintaining - you are obviously successful.
Don't know what to say regarding this other person who had less than fully successful surgeries. i always feel bad for anyone who has a wls complication or failure. Was just reading a new group on band failures. Anyway, hard to know the reasons for this person's remarks but whatever it is, its her problem. You have been very successful and sometimes others who are less so find it a bitter pill to swallow. I've been told I am too thin a couple of times but I know that I am at a proper weight with much improved health and my doctor agrees and thats what i tell people who comment. Thats about all one can say.
Anyway, share your favorite maintenance tips. We all need to learn from each other. Diane
Don't know what to say regarding this other person who had less than fully successful surgeries. i always feel bad for anyone who has a wls complication or failure. Was just reading a new group on band failures. Anyway, hard to know the reasons for this person's remarks but whatever it is, its her problem. You have been very successful and sometimes others who are less so find it a bitter pill to swallow. I've been told I am too thin a couple of times but I know that I am at a proper weight with much improved health and my doctor agrees and thats what i tell people who comment. Thats about all one can say.
Anyway, share your favorite maintenance tips. We all need to learn from each other. Diane
Hi Diane,
Don't know that I have any favorite maintenance tips...I am a revision from a lapband to the VSG. I originally went with the lapband because prior to WLS, I was active, eating healthy (organic, free range, ethically), but I was STILL gaining weight, so I just thought I needed a little help.
With the lapband, I developed severe band intolerance, so I saved up some more money and got the VSG. I guess the only tip I can give is don't be too quick to buy a lot of really nice clothes even two years out. Oh well, at least my charity benefits!
Don't know that I have any favorite maintenance tips...I am a revision from a lapband to the VSG. I originally went with the lapband because prior to WLS, I was active, eating healthy (organic, free range, ethically), but I was STILL gaining weight, so I just thought I needed a little help.
With the lapband, I developed severe band intolerance, so I saved up some more money and got the VSG. I guess the only tip I can give is don't be too quick to buy a lot of really nice clothes even two years out. Oh well, at least my charity benefits!
Well first off congrats on your success that is wonderful and alot you should be proud of, as to the op you are talking about not sure if she is a friend or not, but i think i would not take any offense from her comment.
I dont know that i would call it jealousy, maybe partly but i think if anyone is not successful they would probably feel envy mixed with dissapointment and possibly some shame, but i dont know if this is the situation or not here ... maybe they were successful ???
You dont mention how big she started or how much she has lost, so she may very well have been very successful... i dont think any of us can make judgement of why she commented the way she did...
I think my heart would go out to her, ,maybe she took your " i had wls too" as saying "well it worked for me so what are you not doing"??? or she felt you were looking down on her?? not that you were, but as ms shell said only she really knows what it is she was feeling..
I dont believe she was trying to undermind your achievements at all but it must be so hard to have gone through not only a rny but a ds as well to not have got rid of all medical issues let alone be left with weight to lose...
So if she is a friend id probably make a point of letting her know that you in know way were trying to offend her or judge her, and that while you are proud of your results you also respect what she has gone through having had two wls surgery and adding anytime she needs a ear to lean on youll be there..
I dont know that i would call it jealousy, maybe partly but i think if anyone is not successful they would probably feel envy mixed with dissapointment and possibly some shame, but i dont know if this is the situation or not here ... maybe they were successful ???
You dont mention how big she started or how much she has lost, so she may very well have been very successful... i dont think any of us can make judgement of why she commented the way she did...
I think my heart would go out to her, ,maybe she took your " i had wls too" as saying "well it worked for me so what are you not doing"??? or she felt you were looking down on her?? not that you were, but as ms shell said only she really knows what it is she was feeling..
I dont believe she was trying to undermind your achievements at all but it must be so hard to have gone through not only a rny but a ds as well to not have got rid of all medical issues let alone be left with weight to lose...
So if she is a friend id probably make a point of letting her know that you in know way were trying to offend her or judge her, and that while you are proud of your results you also respect what she has gone through having had two wls surgery and adding anytime she needs a ear to lean on youll be there..
Linda 5".4

6lbs under goal weight
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6lbs under goal weight
Join US On The VSG Maintenance Group Forum!!
Hi - what I got from your post was that you are so grateful that you had the VSG and not a more complicated surgery with intestinal re-routing. Me too. The VSG was exactly what I needed, and I'm so glad I stumbled onto it. And yes, I had it to lose weight. I am not "skinny" but I sure am "skinnier!" And I don't have to constantly be thinking about what vitamins I took when or whether something I eat will embarrass me in public.
Hi BeezNeez,
Exactly! This woman I met was at the mall, holding on to the wall, wheezing, huffing and puffing. I stopped and asked her if she was okay, (I'm a critical care nurse), and helped her to the bench. I let her use my cell phone to call for her family to come pick her up, but I stayed with her until someone came, and got her something to drink.
During the wait, she starting talking with me about all her medical problems, and it was during this conversation that she told me about having the RNY, then the DS. Then only thing I said was "I had WLS too, the VSG." That's when her attitude changed and she made the comment. Fortunately, her daughter came soon after.
So, I was not being apathetic or unfeeling towards her, in a mall full of people, I am the only one who stopped and offered her assistance. I was not "bragging" on my VSG or my success. So, I think her attitude was uncalled for, but I have certainly moved on from there. The point of my post, as you so eloquently put it, was that I am grateful for my VSG everyday. For me, anything else would have been overkill, as I have previously stated. I know it's not everybody's goal to weigh 115#, it wasn't mine. I didn't really have a set weight in mind. But, FOR ME, this is a good weight! I think if I had had some type of malabsorptive procedure, I would probably be in trouble.
Exactly! This woman I met was at the mall, holding on to the wall, wheezing, huffing and puffing. I stopped and asked her if she was okay, (I'm a critical care nurse), and helped her to the bench. I let her use my cell phone to call for her family to come pick her up, but I stayed with her until someone came, and got her something to drink.
During the wait, she starting talking with me about all her medical problems, and it was during this conversation that she told me about having the RNY, then the DS. Then only thing I said was "I had WLS too, the VSG." That's when her attitude changed and she made the comment. Fortunately, her daughter came soon after.
So, I was not being apathetic or unfeeling towards her, in a mall full of people, I am the only one who stopped and offered her assistance. I was not "bragging" on my VSG or my success. So, I think her attitude was uncalled for, but I have certainly moved on from there. The point of my post, as you so eloquently put it, was that I am grateful for my VSG everyday. For me, anything else would have been overkill, as I have previously stated. I know it's not everybody's goal to weigh 115#, it wasn't mine. I didn't really have a set weight in mind. But, FOR ME, this is a good weight! I think if I had had some type of malabsorptive procedure, I would probably be in trouble.
LHello it is so great too hear or your success. I had surgury on the 18th and I have much much more weight to lose. Two years ago I went on a liquid diet. I lost 60 lbs so quickly, but. I was unable to continue because it was expensive. I quickly gained its back and more. The shame and guilt I felt was unbearable.I wanted wls but after that tim.ie my insurance would not pay for it, now they do.I did not stop eating after the liquid did not. Follow suggestions.My failure. The way I dealt with it was to not even discuss it.I should have vented
Oh I also told my coworkers about my diet and bragged about it d I set myself up for failure. I guess I am saying this to let you know her comments had noing to do with you. The shame and frustration of failure can make us mean a defence. You were very kind to this lend a helping handd staying with her. You will be rewarded for your christian acts. For me you are an inspiration. Please be my friend and help me succeed. Your friend Sara
Oh I also told my coworkers about my diet and bragged about it d I set myself up for failure. I guess I am saying this to let you know her comments had noing to do with you. The shame and frustration of failure can make us mean a defence. You were very kind to this lend a helping handd staying with her. You will be rewarded for your christian acts. For me you are an inspiration. Please be my friend and help me succeed. Your friend Sara