VSG Maintenance Group
What dreams/interests are you pursuing?
I am pursuing my PhD. I had decided school wouldn't work out for me after only a few semesters about 14 years ago. Then after I had surgery I got this new surge of optimism. I decided school WAS for me and I jumped back in head first. I did the bachelors and masters in about 2.5 years total.. I thought I could never write a dissertation, but I recently decided that I CAN. So far, I have a 4.0 GPA, and I am on track to graduate by summer 2013. It really has nothing to do with my weight, but I guess in a way my confidence had everything to do with my weight.
I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within." - Ramona L. Anderson
I plan to travel a lot and it would be nice not to be the stereotypical fat American!. I want to zip line and parasail and all that other fun stuff if I can get over my fear of heights. I really want to have the energy to buy a fixer-upper and remodel the whole thing. By Jan 2013, when I have enough for a down payment, I should be at goal and maintaining, so I think it will be easy. And I want to get married and have babies - that's a huge dream of mine.
My goals might not be as athletic as some but based more with new confidence. I go to social events and don't have to look around the room to see if I am the most obese person there. I have even bought some cute clothes. I will buy more when I reach goal.
I have so much more energy, I spend more time working in the yard or working on my art rather than watching TV.
Like today, we will go to an art festival and walk all day, something I had previously lost interest in.
Heck, I may even pick my rollerblades back up at 53 years old.
I have so much more energy, I spend more time working in the yard or working on my art rather than watching TV.
Like today, we will go to an art festival and walk all day, something I had previously lost interest in.
Heck, I may even pick my rollerblades back up at 53 years old.