VSG Maintenance Group
Struggles and weight re-gain.... (warning: it's LONG)
So yeah, I've been struggling with weight regain lately. I don't exercise as much as I should and that has made a BIG difference in my weight. I've also been eating larger quantities and not making as good of choices as I should be making. Don't get me wrong-- I still eat WAY healthier than I used to and WAY healthier than the majority of the U.S. population. I still stop and think about what I'm eating. But I've included too many munchies/carbs and I'm able (sometimes) to eat more.
I didn't post about this earlier because I didn't need/want folks telling me what I already know. I've been on these boards for over 4 yrs now and I know what to do and what not to do. But I did want to let folks know my experiences now that I'm almost 4 yrs out.
Keep in mind that early on, I had trouble getting the weight loss to stop. I lost easily and I had only a few, brief stalls. But I also ate according to the "rules" plus I exercised quite a bit.
So now I weigh about 10 - 12 lbs more than what I want to weigh. I liked weighing 120 (because of how I looked at this weight). I now weigh about 130 - 133. I'm okay with it, but I certainly don't want it to go any higher than this.
I was stable at 123 lbs for quite a while until last year when I broke my hand. This meant that I could no longer do pilates classes, which was my exercise of choice. I also was uneasy about walking as exercise, since I broke my hand by tripping and falling, and the cast made me feel off-balance. I went through 6 weeks of healing after surgery, plus another 8 weeks of physical therapy. Anyway, I gained about 5 lbs at this time.
Then New Year's eve came. I did fine with the Christmas holiday foods, but for some reason over New Years I totally lost control over my food choices. This caused a weight gain, of course. But then afterward, I didn't fully get back to my good eating habits and ever since then, I've struggled. I do exercise, but it isn't quite enough. I just felt a loss of motivation and a LOT of hunger.
So recently I decided to get back to using probiotics and digestive enzymes again. I have to say, although it took awhile, it seems to be helping. The on-going hunger is finally subsiding. I used to have days where I didn't care much about food-- I ate like a "normal" thin person. Then lately I started feeling more of those feelings that lead to my obesity. Again, I was still making better choices than I used to, but I ate too often and too many carbs. But I'm finally starting to feel like I'm gaining control again. I'm hopeful that it will continue.
So there it is: an update from someone who will be 4 years out in 2 months (May). Your experience may vary.


Starting weight: 231; Goal weight: 140; Lowest weight: 117;
Current weight: 137 - 140
I feel for you and am with you... I gained as well,. Mine has been on-going, I had just gotten into exercise, had started losing again (I never had started exercise in the weight loss phase or during maintenance. I'd just starting walking, then I broke both wrists. I am in Phsical Therapy and will be for another month, and may need occupational therapy as I don't think I will ever get the use of my hands and will need to find new ways to do things. I understand the fear of falling, I have that and have been using it as an excuse not to exercise. I didn't want to exercise wearing a cast, the sweating made it too itchy. I did start back at Zumba, figured, it was in a controlled place, nice flat surface and am slowly getting my stamina back.
Carbs are so insidious... it starts with just a few then it grows.... I just got my enzymes, I'd run out and will be getting back to those and probiotics too, they do help with my cravings. Good for you getting back in control. I kinda lost it around Halloween and finally started gett back on track at the end of January.
I posted about my 10 lb. gain a few posts below in Elina's thread about when to call the cavalry, and it's been for a lot of the same reasons you mentioned, eating more frequently because I'm hungry and making less than perfect choices (though not horrible). I too feel like I'm starting to regain control and I'm cutting out the bad stuff...
Thanks for sharing your update. Two years ago when I was considering wls your story was one that inspiried me so much and it was wonderful that you recorded it on your blog page in such thoughtful detail. You will never know how many were inspired and comforted by it.
So now you have had a small setback. But think of how much weight you have lost and how long you have kept it off! Far more has stayed off than your recent regain. Not to minimize the issue you are facing but who wouldn't have a little regain if their activites were significantly curtailed by an injury. That has happened to many. Guess you gotta get the hand healed first and then address the weight if you don't like it. You know our surgeon says a little regain is normal. You are already breaking free of the carb slippage and thats the main thing and of course getting enough protein. But you know this.
Seems like we have quite a few people talking about having a little regain and induging in a few too many carbs. We can all learn from this. So its very kind of you to post these remarks. I get the feeling every one of us will sooner or later have such a "moment of truth" So be it. We are all better equipped to handle it thanks to posts like yours and Elina's and Novascotia Dawn's and Belize Sleeve's and Bajamama's.
You ARE a blessing, Rana.
Thank you so much for posting this. I am right there with you. Misbehaved since Christmas, stopped walking my 4 miles equals a 8.5 lb regain. I am now down 2 of that and heading lower.
I just got back on track 2 days ago. I am going to participate here more often, and challenge myself to get this and a bit more off!!
It still scares me to think I could gain this weight back. It was so easy to lose and maintain, but this shows me I need to basiclaly stick with the plan to keep it off. SURPRISE!!
I look forward to being skinny and in control again.
I am super proud of you and cheering you on. Like you said "WE" know what to do, we just need to be motivated to do it. You will do it when you are ready.
We are here for you. Big hugs,
it's good to see you again. I am sitting here thinking about what you said; it's striking a chord with me and I am home today - shovelling snow - and I want to post more about after thinking. big hugs to you!!
I'm okay with it, but I certainly don't want it to go any higher than this.
once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.
PM me if you are interested in either of these.
size 8, life is great
Good luck to us all and good for getting it in check before it goes to 40 or 50!
You will never know how much your honesty means to me and so many others. I find that when people regain, they often stop posting. Although I understand their feelings, it is such a disservice to themselves and all of us. We really need to hear this, I really need to hear this. You have always been one of my heroes from the early days when I was still considering VSG. Your story motivated and inspired me, I have gone on to do the same for others, but always while looking over my shoulder at your success. We all need each other to make this work. I would encourage you to stay connected with this group. We are a great bunch and have a wonderful way of inspiring and supporting each other. This place is very different from the main VSG board, and I am so grateful to have it. You already know what to do, I am not going to insult you with weight loss suggestions, just a reminder to stay connected and a hope that you are journaling. I stopped journaling when I didn't think I needed to anymore, I am finding out that I was wrong. The accountability makes it much easier to stay on program. It's a pain, but it is worth it. Just my two cents worth. Thank you again for coming here and telling it like it is, it really matters.
Multiplepetmom made some important remarks today about self acceptance and attitude. I think these apply so much to the regain issue. While the regain should be addressed, it should be with the right self loving and nurturing attitude and not the voice of Trixy Bit-- (as Brandilyn calls it) saying "you pig, you can't control yourself , you are worthless". No need for that kind of negative thinking that we all spent too many years of our life engaged in.
Maybe as we food journal we need to jot down a couple of positve things about ourselves or what we have done just to help maintain "the glass is half full" attitude. I think its important. So thankful we have each other here.