VSG Maintenance Group
Ok I am ready now... and a few random thoughts...
Hi Everyone! 
Where do I begin... I have wanted to write for awhile, but have put it off... I think I have come full circle and I think I am ready to chat about my maintenance journey...
Wow what a ride. I love my Sleeve!!
Here is what has happened for me on my journey:
- I lost my weight steadily... I intentionally made sure I did not lose as fast as I could.
- I allowed myself some indulgences along the way, so I would not binge at the end of the weight loss phase.
- I wanted to learn how to go on and off plan, and maintain as I went... I wanted this 'diet' to be different...
- When I stayed right on plan, I lost steadily
- When I indulged a bit, I lost slowly or stayed the same
- When I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted I gained
- It has been the same in maintenance.
- I sometimes feel bad for people that behave to the letter and do not lose, when I behave I lose, I feel very fortunate for this.
- Everything was going according to plan until Christmas
- I knew at Christmas I was going to go off plan, and indulge until after Barry's Birthday on Jan 3rd, I had it all planned out
- What I did not plan on... where I really messed up.... was not getting back on plan on the 4th as planned...
- Now here it is March 5th and I am just now getting back on plan... (hopefully...)
- I believe my lowest was 141 or 142, with a BMI of 19.4 or 19.5
- My hightest, which was yesterday was 150.8, with my BMI now at 20.7
- It absolutely amazes me how much heavier I look and feel at 150 lbs...
- Most of the weight went on my problem areas, my tummy and thighs... I have large rolls on my tummy (when I am sitting down), my thighs protrude again... so frustrating and I hate the way it looks
- Some of my weight went on my boobs, which is great, they are full and perky again... I wish this would stay...
- I am now ready to lose the weight I have gained... I am shocked I allowed myself to get into this postion.
- Did I not learn anything over these months of weight loss? What I did is exactly what I always do when I get to goal. It just took me longer to get off track. But I have done a lot of damage over the past 2.25 months. It amazes me I have gained almost 10 lbs.
- I never ever would have thought I would be 'one of the ones' to gain weight... but why would it be any different than any other time??
- The difference my friends is my Sleeve. I sabotoaged myself, but my Sleeve helped me to keep that sabotage under control. It allowed me some time to get it together... it did not allowe me to stuff myself... it did not allow me to gain my weight back in large amounts over a short period of time... it kept things in check and manageable for me.
- I am ready to get back down to business
- I am ready to get this weight back off, and stop taking my Sleeve and health for granted
- I am ready to re-commit and lose the pounds, the self sabatoging and the junk food from my diet
- I am ready to make me top priority again, over food, over work, over stress, over life... ME!!
- I felt fan-freakin-tastic, and I want to feel that way again
- I was skinny, and I want to be skinny again
- I want to be in control
- I want to find a way to get back on my life long maintenance plan
I commit to myself the following:
- Eat 3 healthy meals a day, focusing on protein, and low carb
- 2-3 healthy snacks a day, if required
- Drink water like a fish
- Take all of my vitamins and supplements daily
- Go for a 4 mile walk each and every day, no excuses
- Weigh Daily and check into OH for support
Can I do it? Will I still lose when I behave? Has my luck run out? Well time will tell, and the first steps are listed above. Until I commit to those I will never know. Am I scared? Hell YES! Am I worried? You bet. Am I going to do this? You better beleive it!!!
Here goes everything, wish me luck! I am at a cross roads, I have chosen my path, it is time...
Big hugs, thanks for listening!

Where do I begin... I have wanted to write for awhile, but have put it off... I think I have come full circle and I think I am ready to chat about my maintenance journey...
Wow what a ride. I love my Sleeve!!
Here is what has happened for me on my journey:
- I lost my weight steadily... I intentionally made sure I did not lose as fast as I could.
- I allowed myself some indulgences along the way, so I would not binge at the end of the weight loss phase.
- I wanted to learn how to go on and off plan, and maintain as I went... I wanted this 'diet' to be different...
- When I stayed right on plan, I lost steadily
- When I indulged a bit, I lost slowly or stayed the same
- When I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted I gained
- It has been the same in maintenance.
- I sometimes feel bad for people that behave to the letter and do not lose, when I behave I lose, I feel very fortunate for this.
- Everything was going according to plan until Christmas
- I knew at Christmas I was going to go off plan, and indulge until after Barry's Birthday on Jan 3rd, I had it all planned out
- What I did not plan on... where I really messed up.... was not getting back on plan on the 4th as planned...
- Now here it is March 5th and I am just now getting back on plan... (hopefully...)
- I believe my lowest was 141 or 142, with a BMI of 19.4 or 19.5
- My hightest, which was yesterday was 150.8, with my BMI now at 20.7
- It absolutely amazes me how much heavier I look and feel at 150 lbs...
- Most of the weight went on my problem areas, my tummy and thighs... I have large rolls on my tummy (when I am sitting down), my thighs protrude again... so frustrating and I hate the way it looks
- Some of my weight went on my boobs, which is great, they are full and perky again... I wish this would stay...
- I am now ready to lose the weight I have gained... I am shocked I allowed myself to get into this postion.
- Did I not learn anything over these months of weight loss? What I did is exactly what I always do when I get to goal. It just took me longer to get off track. But I have done a lot of damage over the past 2.25 months. It amazes me I have gained almost 10 lbs.
- I never ever would have thought I would be 'one of the ones' to gain weight... but why would it be any different than any other time??
- The difference my friends is my Sleeve. I sabotoaged myself, but my Sleeve helped me to keep that sabotage under control. It allowed me some time to get it together... it did not allowe me to stuff myself... it did not allow me to gain my weight back in large amounts over a short period of time... it kept things in check and manageable for me.
- I am ready to get back down to business
- I am ready to get this weight back off, and stop taking my Sleeve and health for granted
- I am ready to re-commit and lose the pounds, the self sabatoging and the junk food from my diet
- I am ready to make me top priority again, over food, over work, over stress, over life... ME!!
- I felt fan-freakin-tastic, and I want to feel that way again
- I was skinny, and I want to be skinny again
- I want to be in control
- I want to find a way to get back on my life long maintenance plan
I commit to myself the following:
- Eat 3 healthy meals a day, focusing on protein, and low carb
- 2-3 healthy snacks a day, if required
- Drink water like a fish
- Take all of my vitamins and supplements daily
- Go for a 4 mile walk each and every day, no excuses
- Weigh Daily and check into OH for support
Can I do it? Will I still lose when I behave? Has my luck run out? Well time will tell, and the first steps are listed above. Until I commit to those I will never know. Am I scared? Hell YES! Am I worried? You bet. Am I going to do this? You better beleive it!!!
Here goes everything, wish me luck! I am at a cross roads, I have chosen my path, it is time...
Big hugs, thanks for listening!

Thanks Honey, I sure hope so!!
I know I can do this, I have to. I refuse to let it be like every other time...
AND I miss that feeling of being skinny and in control.
Elina I cannot stress enough to get your 2 lbs off. Don't wait. Get control right away!
You have done phenominal at your maintenance, keep up the great work! I have been watching you like a hawk.
Big hugs my tiny friend,
I know I can do this, I have to. I refuse to let it be like every other time...
AND I miss that feeling of being skinny and in control.
Elina I cannot stress enough to get your 2 lbs off. Don't wait. Get control right away!
You have done phenominal at your maintenance, keep up the great work! I have been watching you like a hawk.
Big hugs my tiny friend,
I hear you Cindy, I am on it. I make myself get on that scale no matter what every single day. You are going to do this Cindy, one meal at at time, one day at a time, until goal. I am sending you my hugs and warm wishes wrapped in motivation and steely determination. Success is just around the corner.
Me too, that is one thing I commit to and that is weighing daily, no matter how much it upsets or embarrases me, I will not put my head in the sand again...
That is what this will take, one food moment at a time, and checking in here throughout the day. I am not leaving anything up to chance. I am even moving my walk up to the morning for a few days, I am determined to get this done, NOW!
I love this line, makes me smile " I am sending you my hugs and warm wishes wrapped in motivation and steely determination."
Thank you!
That is what this will take, one food moment at a time, and checking in here throughout the day. I am not leaving anything up to chance. I am even moving my walk up to the morning for a few days, I am determined to get this done, NOW!
I love this line, makes me smile " I am sending you my hugs and warm wishes wrapped in motivation and steely determination."
Thank you!
Hi Sweets!
Yes it is all about the mind games, it is hard for me to get our books down here, but you know what it is sooooooooo worth it. I am going to order your top titles today. BUT damn I wish I could get them on my sweet Kindle!!!! Or down load them on my computer. I hate 'books' as in paperbacks or hard covers now... we move to much to lug around books... but enough excuses... I am getting every single on that you recommend... lay it on me baby... every single page :)
I think I need to realize the 10 lbs are not the problem, the thick grey matter is what needs to be worked on. I am sorry to ask for them AGAIN, but I will order them today, if you could please provide me with the titles... thanks...
Yes I am "backish' with the thinking share, hope to be 'back' very shortly.
Have a good one!
Yes it is all about the mind games, it is hard for me to get our books down here, but you know what it is sooooooooo worth it. I am going to order your top titles today. BUT damn I wish I could get them on my sweet Kindle!!!! Or down load them on my computer. I hate 'books' as in paperbacks or hard covers now... we move to much to lug around books... but enough excuses... I am getting every single on that you recommend... lay it on me baby... every single page :)
I think I need to realize the 10 lbs are not the problem, the thick grey matter is what needs to be worked on. I am sorry to ask for them AGAIN, but I will order them today, if you could please provide me with the titles... thanks...
Yes I am "backish' with the thinking share, hope to be 'back' very shortly.
Have a good one!