VSG Maintenance Group
When to call the cavalry?
I have to laugh about the I 'deserve' and the 'it's not fair', I am right there with you, I WANT my treats!... But something has to give, like you said, at least for awhile...
I just today got the 10 Thin Comandments for my Kindle and I am in the thick of it and lovin' it!
Big hugs, we can and will do this,
You may well not be amnestic at all about food! I just have perfected it so *ha* :}
You might know this already, but I *really* like that book! :} YOu know.. in case I was being subtle about my feelings.
I remind me that relationships change. With people, at work, and with my body - but the way they stay good is when I remember WE ARE A TEAM, and remind myself that doing what is GOOD for the team, is also good for me.
Taking medications that can lead to gain (that really are not "optional" meds) are a serious wrench in the wheels!
I think it will last, not because you might not ever come to *this place* again, because relationships change, but maybe it will have a different tone next time because you will know differently then.
Who can know, either way.. ROCK IT LILLA MAMA! :}
Also, I still have a good amount of swelling in the LBL area so I don't know what impact this has on the scale.
What I have noticed is not that the weight doesn't fall off if I cut back but that, the farther out I am, the harder it is to really cut back. I'm just not willing to eat, say, 1200 calories a day for a few days any more. My "cutting back" now is not having as much junk as the day before and brining one less cheese stick to work in my lunch pail. Um, it' maybe 100 calories a day less for 3 days instead of 200-500 calories a day less for a week.
Then, too, my situation is complicated by the weight lifting I do. Not every gain on the scale is a bad for me. Sometimes I've gained muscles and that's good because getting stronger is my goal.
HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

But you could be scarfing down 500-1000 calories right there with two drinks and, if it causes you to eat more, then that could be another 500 calories or so for the day.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't cut back on the carbs, but having frozen yogurt one time isn't in the same ballpark at all. Also, farther out, portion size can be a concern, if you don't still weigh and measure periodically.
HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
Visit my blog at Fatty Fights Back Become a Fan on Facebook!
Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights
Definitely start food journaling again. You might even just do this for a week without making any other eating changes at all. Just gather this information and see what you learn. Then you can decide what things should be adjusted. You might even find some trends you weren't aware of such as a time of day you tend to eat some things or that amounts are different than you thought. At 15+ months I still journal every day. I am on volume 4 of "Fat Be Gone". I may do this for life.
Sometimes a few pounds creep up with no explaination. A month or so ago I had a week where for 3 or 4 days I gained a half pound each day. And I was food journaling and eating something like 1100 calories a day or less and thinking WTF, how could I possible gain weight. Then it sort of dropped off as mysteriously as it appeared. So its easy to get very alarmed about a variation of a few pounds. I am not saying you shouldn't be concerned; only that there might not be a huge change underway.
I bet I have heard Guru Cirangle say at least a dozen times that its normal to reagain a little weight after reaching goal. One woman in our support group says she has regained 20 lbs. She had her sleeve well before me; maybe four years ago. Frankly, she looks perfectly normal to me and I don't see that she has 20 lbs to lose and Cirangle has told her the same thing repeatedly. She is perhaps in her early 60's and had a knee replacement and said thats when she gained. So I am not sure that you will get the riot act read to you by our surgeon but who knows. You might try calling Amy first and see what suggestions she has. I bet you anything that Cirangle will tell you to up your protein.
I can tell that this is really disturbing you and understand completely since we all live in terror of regain. I find that if something is bothering me, the best thing to do is to take some kind of action and just doing something makes you feel better. So by all means take some action. Journal the food, ditch the fozen yogurt, cut back 50 to 100 calories a day, add 5 or 10 g protein, and I bet the situation resolves.
Like you, I hate exercise. I am making some efforts but they are pretty minimal. Guru said at our last support group that exercise is much more important in the maintenance phase than in the weight loss phase. Can't remember exactly why; (someone please ask that at next support group). But I bet even though you don't go to the gym and such you are a more active person than before your weight loss with family and job and household and that you get more exercise than you think. I know I am much more active just around the house and my husband says I am a "dervish"! Well maybe compared to a sea slug but you get the point.
Anyway, I am totally confident that you will get this issue solved and maintain your weight where you want it because you have the sleeve and you have the attitude. You will get there.
But after all that when i know exercise is important to this and my overall health I just can't seem to make myself do it. There have been phases of my life where i exercised regularly. many years ago i walked two or three miles a day and then joined a health club and swam a half mile a day and then started in the weight room which is oddly where i met my husband. Started going to that health club because it was brand new, extremely fancy and very near my house. Now I live in a small town with limited facilities and while I did go to Curves for awhile, its really too wimpy and boring. I am taking this martial arts class that I find very interesting and fun but don't practice very much. I also like to play the xbox kinect games that don't feel like exercise, but can only do it when I can get the tv away from my husband.
There is no reason on earth why I couldn't take one of the dogs to the beach for a mile or two every day other than I'd rather spend my time in the art studio. Heck we have a health club quality treadmill in our living room with its own tv and dvd player. Gathering dust.
So Elina maybe we can figure something out about this mental block on this exercise thing. As spring approaches and the rain stops it will be great to be outside again and maybe I can get out with those dogs or ride the bike or something. Maybe we can make a pact to do just 15 minutes a day and go from there.