VSG Maintenance Group
Yea - I am a ***** but about the elephant in the room...
I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within." - Ramona L. Anderson

And I love to see your sexy avi on threads.. Makes me smile to see someone who deserves it, and works so hard for it, find success..
I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within." - Ramona L. Anderson
And I like your post, uncle drunk. I hope you put it on the main vsg forum. It took me decades to learn the lesson that even so called naturally thin people do regulate their food intake and give thought to food choices and decline food that they might really wish to eat. Its a rare person who can and does eat anything and everything all the time without gaining weight; the exception being some teenage boys but that changes. So the little ol' sleeve is what enables me to eat like one of these people only with a lot more fear and insight perhaps when making my food choices and recording them and looking at what I need and what i don't need to eat. Its work. It takes dedication. Even those of us with relatively easy weight loss experiences didn't get there by not following our surgeon's programs day in and day out or looking for ways to eat cookies and justify it.
So go ahead and rave, you drunk uncle. I think many people are just not mentally prepared for what they are getting into for any weight loss surgery. Then when its a teensie bit difficult or unpleasant they whine. Well we all are allowed our quota of whining on this group or the other boards, but some types of whining indicates a reality check is needed.
So where can I get some muscadine wine?
Probably cause we all spend far to much time on OH.........
I know you guys can see the same things......
I can now read a post or posts from a newer Sleeve patient and I can give them a rating real fast!
I'm not saying I'm 100% correct and I'm not claiming any kind of superiority..... but if I'm gonna take time to help someone..... I kinda want it to work out.
The trends show up real quick and you can put them into 3 categories.
1- Definitely ain't gonna make it......
2- This person is gonna have to make some changes and discoveries but could go either way....
3- This person totally gets it! Did the homework has the right mental frame of mind. No problem...just sit back and watch the magic !!!!! Not that they won't need any help.... they just need a few adjustments along the way. But more times than not they figure it out themselves.
Although I'll take the time for anyone who asks.......I try and help the number 2's and see if I can make a difference to get them to the good side. I'm not even talking about a "do what I do" thing. More like refine what there doing.
I hope this doesn't come across as arrogant, but with more and more new people coming in everyday... yah can't make and a positive effect on everybody (except Brandilynn can)
Problem is to many people think the surgery does more than it really does and they are not willing to make the changes. The one I like is: "I had this surgery to be normal"........I'm like.... good luck with that !!!!
SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.
" To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "
VSG Maintenance Group Forum
Dr. Paul Cirangle
I told Elina I have become a barriatric busy-body. And I rationalize that by keeping in close touch with all this stuff that I am keeping my own head in the game and promoting my own long term success. My husband asks what i am doing with all this typing and I say I am chatting with my fat friends but most are not fat anymore.
But it can be disheartening to read some posts of new people and see they are having a rude awakening and wish you could help them "get it" so they could have a good outcome. Guess its just human nature to want to share a good thing. Its easy to tell someone that I lost my weight by staying under 800 calories, 70 g protein etc etc. Its harder to tell someone that they don't have the right mindset and won't be sucessful unless they accept some things instead of trying to game the system. So be it. Diane
And I also *know* very well that sometimes we say the same stuff over and over and nobody *can* hear it until they are ready, then all of a sudden they are like
Then I just need to keep pointy objects from my eyes :} .
I guess its the same reason I stopped going to the support group that I actually created on this side of town, I got weary of grown adults treating me like their "learn us how to want to do this" step-n-fetchit gal.
I mean, I guess my thought is we gotta learn to wipe our OWN asses SOMEDAY. Might as well put hand to crack TODAY!