VSG Maintenance Group
Daily Maintenance Weigh In - Thursday, Feb24/11

Surgery Date - June 12/09
Highest Weight - 230 lbs
Surgeon's Goal - 162.5 lbs
My Goal - 155 lbs lbs, BMI - 21
Prefered Range - 142 - 147 lbs
Yesterday's Weight - 149 lbs
Today's Weight - 149.2 lbs
Gain/Loss - +.2 lbs
Random Thoughts:

- Busy stessful times...
- Sick with a cold
- No exercise, no dieting...
- But life is good.... happy in paradise...
Still the same weight 170. Sick!! I hate it.
I am going to my "group" 3 days a week.
they say I am stuffing my feelings with food and am a codependant and enabler to my husband.
I ate over 2k calories most likely in a 24 hour period
yesterday, and thru the night.
Nights are my bad times.
I hope to one day lose the 40 or so lbs...
I am going to my "group" 3 days a week.
they say I am stuffing my feelings with food and am a codependant and enabler to my husband.
I ate over 2k calories most likely in a 24 hour period
yesterday, and thru the night.
Nights are my bad times.
I hope to one day lose the 40 or so lbs...
104 today. All is well. My husband is working on redoing our floors, so he is not cooking. That really sucks as he is the main cook in the family and I really depend on him to make the foods I live on most of the time. I guess I just have to try to make the same things for us on my own. I know, I am spoiled rotten by that man. It is not my fault, he does it willingly with a huge smile on his face, it is easy to get used to. :)