VSG Maintenance Group
EARTHQUAKE - what to do??
Of all the Cities in NZ Christ Church is the one id have loved to live in with all the historical buldings.. Now to think of some of these in ruins is hard to believe.
Im so pleased to hear your mother is ok, my ex husband has family in christ church but he has not heard anything bad so i can only hope they too are ok..

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on 2/23/11 12:38 pm
(((((((hugs))))))) I've been wondering/worrying if you got your Mum out of there. Thank you for updating us. I've been following the news and boy are you right. It looks like a war zone. It's so incredibly sad. It made me happy to here that rescue from around the world was pouring in to look for victims. One group they showed on TV was from Los Angelas, California. They sent firefighters, nurses, structure experts and doctors, along with a ton of specialized equipment to find people. I hope all the groups get there fast so that more people can be rescued as soon as possible.
I'm so sorry about your friend and pray there are no more. Thank God your Mum is OK. Shocked, but alive. Give her lots of hugs, hot tea, and biscuits.
And great job taking aggressive action and getting her out of there. We will all be praying for your home town.
So far there are 98 confirmed dead and 200 odd missing. When you're talking of a country of less than 4 million it is fricking huge!! I grew up as a Catholic and kind of turned my back on the church when they wouldn't baptise my precious first born because we didn't go to church every Sunday - I still wonder how people manage to keep the faith when this sort of thing happens!!
Thanks my OH buddies - especially those of you who aren't 'posters' but felt compelled to reply to my post! I often feel that this is an 'american' website but I definitely feel more of a kinship now! MWWAAHHH XXXXX