VSG Maintenance Group
whats the worst weight related gift you ever received?
When I was 4 years old, my dad, in an effort to control what I was eating in pre-school would pick me up on certain days at lunchtime and take me to a park or somewhere. It was supposed to be a "gift" to me...time with my busy dad. The thing was, I knew something was strange because all he would allow me to eat during our lunch outings was a dry can of tuna.
Unfortunately, my dad grew up with a fat sister that was teased and chastised her whole life. He never wanted that for me but through his back-handed efforts laid the groundwork for what would become my struggle with body image and weight.
Yes. That was the worst weight related "gift" for me.
Have a good week, team.
she never accepted my size, she couldn't stand it.
once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.
PM me if you are interested in either of these.
size 8, life is great
Let me preface this by saying the my hubby is the type that likes his women with a bit of meat on their bones. I weighed 140 when we met and married. Granted, I was not obese, but he did not like the skinny type either.
My DH gave me a spinning bike for Valentine"s at a time in my life that I was at the highest weight ever.
First off, I NEVER exercised at this point in my life, and secondly, HE was the avid cyclist. But, the fact that this was my Valentine's gift??? I felt like he was pointing to my weight(the thing I HATED most about me) at a time that he should be pointing to why he loved me. He never meant it that way. He was trying to motivate me into losing weight, but needless to say, it just sat in our room like a constant reminder of the "worst" Valentine gift ever.
After that, he switched to jewelry
Start weight: 388, Current Weight: 185, Goal Weight: 180, Weight Lost: 203 lbs
Certified Nutritionist ♥ VSG FAQ♥ sublimate: To elevate or uplift.
3/2012 Plastics: LBL, 3 Hernias Fixed, BL/BA, Rhinoplasty & Septum Fix. 6/2013 Plastics: Arm and thigh lift
One gift I loved.. we were too broke for a gym, or to buy a bunch of exercise equipment.. but when hubby was going to deploy he found me a Gazelle machine for $10 on Craigslist- I actually used that thing almost every night he was in Iraq!
I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within." - Ramona L. Anderson
but my if i was trying to lose weight my husband would always buy me bags of chocolate...
6lbs under goal weight
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