VSG Maintenance Group
Well now I have been blocked.. lovely...
I gotta say, even since I got called out for using it, I am STILL a huge fan of the block button.
If I need to not see your words for a minute for whatever reason, I sure do not have the *whatever* to come to you and tell you that you need to get your *whatever* straight with me - because what if what the problem is MY problem? Then what are you going to do about MY problem? Nothing you can do. Its mine.
If a person might have a belly full of bile and a crappy day and was going to vomit up ugliness on you and blocked you TO PROTECT YOU, then maybe just a take a blessing where you can get it.
Maybe give her a chunk of time, so that whatever her situation was, since you know, we do not live in vaccuums, might be different, and she might can hear your words differently.
I have to say, I believe the block button is a purposeful thing. There are at least 2 people here that I keep on permanent block because I see NOTHING of value that they share. Ever. IN ANY of my incarnations. All they do is swoop in, vomit up "help" and then leave. They do not even PRETEND to be relational with anyone here. Come in every once in a while and then with a ****ty attitude tell everyone how they are SUPPOSED to do things. Oh yea? Well if you do not even want to pretend to be relational **** you and your seagull manager road show.
I think cornering someone, even to say you are sorry, if they are not really ready to listen to your words may not give you whatever closure you might have been looking for.
I appreciate your kind heart and your willingness to do whatever you can to make peace. I just think sometimes folks need room to do what they need to do.
But perhaps its just that I am an asshole like that. :}
I don't know what that means but it made me laugh!
what are the 5 books you recommend?
once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.
PM me if you are interested in either of these.
size 8, life is great
5 books? Ummm..
10 Thin Commandments (Which I use for learning about what foods are best for me to block in/block out).
Shrink Yourself (for unpeeling my emotional onion - I really like him better than Beck - she is kinda bootstrappy for me, but still has good information).
Anatomy of a Food Addiction (This is a new addition - so I am not sure if this is one of the original 5, but it sure is now! It talks about chemical stuff in our body, and behavioral stuff, its really helpful with the nuts and bolts of a "why cannot I stop X thing")
Beck Diet Solution (you know Cogv behavioral stuff, cept I like the Shrink Yourself one better)
An End to Overeating (so you can see what the food scientists make for Big Food to get us hooked on)
and just for asking today, my special book recommendations that are all about keeping your mental hygeine squeaky clean with laughter, may I also recommend...
Lamb (AKA The Gospel According to Biff, Jesus' Childhood Pal) - AND by the same author Fool, a hilarious bawdy comedy with lots of spankin! Christopher Moore.
5 books? Ummm..
10 Thin Commandments (Which I use for learning about what foods are best for me to block in/block out).
Shrink Yourself (for unpeeling my emotional onion - I really like him better than Beck - she is kinda bootstrappy for me, but still has good information).
Anatomy of a Food Addiction (This is a new addition - so I am not sure if this is one of the original 5, but it sure is now! It talks about chemical stuff in our body, and behavioral stuff, its really helpful with the nuts and bolts of a "why cannot I stop X thing")
Beck Diet Solution (you know Cogv behavioral stuff, cept I like the Shrink Yourself one better)
An End to Overeating (so you can see what the food scientists make for Big Food to get us hooked on)
and just for asking today, my special book recommendations that are all about keeping your mental hygeine squeaky clean with laughter, may I also recommend...
Lamb (AKA The Gospel According to Biff, Jesus' Childhood Pal) - AND by the same author Fool, a hilarious bawdy comedy with lots of spankin! Christopher Moore.
Have you read Fool? I laughed and snorted and chortled out loud and got the hairy eyeball during the all night flight from Kauai to LA!
I did not care! I was amused!
We toss Lamb quotes around here all the time. I gave it to my pastor/preacher person (who is a twisted human) and you know, folks like him do not get irreverent hilarity from just anyone. :}
Yaay! we *are* peapod people!
I don't think that it was all her issue; I think she is pretty justified in blocking me, having re-read what I wrote trying to see it from her eyes. I have been in the situation where you want to avoid someone because you don't want to say hurtful things and you know if you are around them you will.
In my case this just happened recently IRL, and I contacted that person by email and told them I was upset, and when I was able to speak constructively about it I would get back to them. Gives me time to cool off but not just ignore the whole situation or leave them hanging.
You know me well enough to know that I'm not the seagull type, LOL. This person wouldn't have been on my friends list if I were anyway, right? I just said something wrong and now have no way to fix it. Sometimes it's best to give people space so they can work out their issues, and sometimes they just end up feeling ignored and that you didn't notice that you offended them or didn't care.
In this case I do care which is why I'm taking the time to try to work on it. :) You are most definitely not an asshole.. you are showing you care by backing away when you need to and you feel you will say something wrong.. that is nothing if not considerate. In my case I'm trying to be considerate by apologizing. Both have the best of intentions deep down. :)
Start weight: 388, Current Weight: 185, Goal Weight: 180, Weight Lost: 203 lbs
Certified Nutritionist ♥ VSG FAQ♥ sublimate: To elevate or uplift.
3/2012 Plastics: LBL, 3 Hernias Fixed, BL/BA, Rhinoplasty & Septum Fix. 6/2013 Plastics: Arm and thigh lift
I don't think that it was all her issue; I think she is pretty justified in blocking me, having re-read what I wrote trying to see it from her eyes. I have been in the situation where you want to avoid someone because you don't want to say hurtful things and you know if you are around them you will.
In my case this just happened recently IRL, and I contacted that person by email and told them I was upset, and when I was able to speak constructively about it I would get back to them. Gives me time to cool off but not just ignore the whole situation or leave them hanging.
You know me well enough to know that I'm not the seagull type, LOL. This person wouldn't have been on my friends list if I were anyway, right? I just said something wrong and now have no way to fix it. Sometimes it's best to give people space so they can work out their issues, and sometimes they just end up feeling ignored and that you didn't notice that you offended them or didn't care.
In this case I do care which is why I'm taking the time to try to work on it. :) You are most definitely not an asshole.. you are showing you care by backing away when you need to and you feel you will say something wrong.. that is nothing if not considerate. In my case I'm trying to be considerate by apologizing. Both have the best of intentions deep down. :)

I know your heart girlie. I appreciate it! I hope it works out in a most beautiful and learning sorta way!