VSG Maintenance Group
Help! "Binge Eating"
I can't believe I'm doing this ... Thursday, the 27th was my first surgiversary.
For some reason, it was like a trigger to eat. Since Thursday night, I've been eating whenever I darn well want to - mostly "good" things, but some ice cream, popcorn, and other "bad" carby stuff. Averaging ~1800 calories a day & NO exercise.
What happens to "teach me a lesson" and get me back on my regimen? I've lost 2 more pounds. WTH???????
I can't let this go on. What's wrong with me???

Revision from Sleeve to DS (with re-Sleeve) on 10/10/17. Slow and steady ...
the "lost 2 pounds" . . . well, you already know that this will not continue in your favor. This could be that maybe your body is reacting to the shake up of what / how you eat, and revved the metabolism. YEAH love when that happens--but as you already know, the body will get use to that and then the pounds come on quick. I know this--see my ticker? I recently "sucked it up" and made it accurate. But another thing that could effect the numbers on the scale is that you didn't lose 2 lbs of fat--but rather, some of this was lost muscle--not good, means your body will need fewer calories, lower metabolism when resting, and up will go your weight once you stabilize. The lesson is this---don't wait until what you already know to be the inevidable happens---change your course now. You can do it baby---you know you can---you just need to face the 'why' once you know what that why is.
I'll be here if you need anything (((HUGS))) ____Support_____ ^^^^Kick in the back end^^^^ ( )= ears to listen---just let me know what you need! (((hugs, Ava)))
I was never a binge eater prior to surgery but i have found since surgery i really have to watch my trigger foods and only have them around for special occassions, or i have found myeself stuffing my face with them, more grazing on them than binging but still over eating... Im not sure why the change since surgery.
people say we need to to adress the reasons we became obese, or they will be still be with us after surgery, i really dont know the answer to that question, i have been asking myself that question ever since surgery, and the only answer i have come up with is i like food and since surgery i still like food..

6lbs under goal weight
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It's nice to be able to "confess" publicly & force myself to face my issues head on. This group rocks!
Since writing this a few hours ago, I think I've figured out what I've been doing...
I'm pushing my limits since it's been "so easy" until this point. Literally, it hasn't been easy, but compared to all the other times in my life, it has been. Make sense?
Eating like this doesn't make me happy, but I think I'm in the "teenage years" of this process. And, we all know teenagers - gotta find the limits. Time to grow up a bit.

Revision from Sleeve to DS (with re-Sleeve) on 10/10/17. Slow and steady ...
Anyhow, it was helpful to hear your confession :) and Rhonda's words of wisdom.
We just cant play fast and loose too much...need to be careful & mindful of, from whence we came!!
I define a binge, btw, not by how much I am eating - or even what I am eating - but by if I feel out of control.
or not. "out of control" = a binge, to me.
once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.
PM me if you are interested in either of these.
size 8, life is great