VSG Maintenance Group
Cruzin the DS Forum.....
Glad you brought this up Frisco.
This post freaked me out the other day :
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/amos/4308199/Eating-with-a -DS-PART-2-Another-Day-in-the-Life-pics/
I could not believe the amount of food they could consume, with Diet Cokes, or whatever on top of that!
They seemed so happy that they just

I was sort of jealous, but sort of worried too. I dunno, it was all very interesting...
Looking forward to what others say.
I have a hard time wrapping my brain around why I would want to eat more, to malabsorb less to get enough nutrients to be healthy and how that is a good idea on any planet. But Hey that is just me.
I am silly that way. I think that being fully satisfied on normal sized portions of the foods I like to eat is a good thing. I think not having to take several doses of different vitamins/supplements throughout the day is a good thing. I think not worrying which foods I eat which result in atmoic farts or loose stools or other unwanted side effects is a good thing, but then again that is just me.
I think being able to get to goal in 10 mos and easily maintain that goal without having to eat low fat or low carb or low calorie without having malabsorbtion is a win win for me, but then again that is just me.
Call me silly but I prefer my "inferior" VSG to their "superior" DS any day.
I, too, don't understand the mechanics of being able to eat the volume what was pictured. I don’t fault those who choose the DS – I completely understand the fear of gaining the weight back and wanting to do whatever can give you the greatest assurance of no regain. For me, though, weight loss wasn’t the only thing I was after.
I have been working on healing my relationship with food for much of my life. I have used food to calm my anger and soothe my hurt, which has, in turn, denied me access to the fullest measure and range of my emotions. One of my goals in having surgery was to give myself more life, not rearrange my intestines so I could continue to drug myself without consequences.
Not being physically able to binge has been an invaluable tool in self healing. I have been forced to deal with the feelings that come up and find other ways of coping. This has led me down a path of healing that has been incredibly fulfilling, nurturing and healing. I would never have sat my butt on a meditation cushion had I not been overwhelmed with feelings that I couldn’t eat away. Because of this surgery, I am on a path of more compassion, more gratitude and more awareness than I ever dreamed possible.
I am also hopeful that it is a healthier way to go. I know research shows that lab animals tend to live longer and healthier on extremely low calorie diets. We humans may as well, who knows. I have been very lucky in that my diabetes has been in remission since the day of surgery. Maybe it will come back, but at least today, my blood sugar is stable. The only thing I have to take now is a beta blocker for heart arrhythmia and I am taking a third of my former dose.