VSG Maintenance Group
Flu Benefit, Restriction!??!
I just got over a bout of the stomach flu. The only benefit is my restriction is what I had at 6 months out... I am now over 3 years out, I have not thrown up from eating, had alittle reflux problem early when I tried stopping my Protonix. and slimed a couple times. I've been very healthy since VSG, just a few colds that have been minor, where in the past I'd be a step from Pneumonia. Well I got some kinda nasty bug, and threw up more than I had eve in my life.
I had wondered what throwing up would be like with my sleeve, now I know. It works just fine.... not sure if it was a particularly bad flu, or that becuase the tummy had been changed It was so awful. Apparently my stomach and esophugus as swollen like when we were early post-op. My hickup fullness signal that disappeared about a year out is back, and I am eating the portions I was eating much earlier.
I am going to take advantage and pay attention to those signals while they are back! I've been meaning to get back on track, and have been slacking since the holidays.....
My DH is down with it now. I'll have to compare with him when it is over the number of times he threw up!!
Hope none of you get it.
I have not been sick since having vsg other than a crampy stomach, i have never vomited since having my sleeve so not sure if i can.

6lbs under goal weight
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THanks, Was thinking of calling me Surgeon, but am glad I didn't, things seem fine... no damage that I can tell. I go in for my labs and visit with the Endo in a few weeks and will let him know and put it in my record in case I could have popped a staple! Haven't heard of anyone getting a leak this far out from a popped staple!
ps. I enjoy your posts, I can't get my thots down very well. Guess my Brain is just too fried, plus it is easier to not look and journal about ourselves.