VSG Maintenance Group
I have Binge Eating Disorder
I became very frightened when i realized i was returning to my old ways of thinking and behaving. I obsessed over what the scale would say and show. I wrote on the VSG board a number of times about what was happening and the really crazy thing was that i was not really GAINING weight. I remained below my goal weight and still am. But, i knew what was happening. I knew this was the old me. I looked new but i behaved old.
After a number of people on the VSG board suggested (and after many thoughts in this direction anyway), i went to see a therapist with an expertise in eating disorders. I see her once/week and also see a dietician. It has helped me in that she "corrects" my way to thinking and looking at the world and myself. Anyway, she was the one who used the term: "binge eating disorder" and all of a sudden it hit me that there WAS something wrong besides being a "slob". I work on this everyday...some days r good and some not so good.
Thank u so much for starting this thread. It is so needed by so many of us.

and the some good, some bad days sound pretty normal.

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.
PM me if you are interested in either of these.
size 8, life is great
Interesting thread. I admit I have an eating disorder. Since VSG I have not binged like before, but on a occasions I have had trouble stopping and only doby throwing the rest of the food out in the trash and dumping more trash on top. I have anxiety eating issues that have improved with counseling, Welbutrin and some of my stressers coming under control. I did well until I had too much to handle when my life started to implode.
I started struggling at 2 years out. Until that time my life seemed in control. I started grazing to dull the feelings. I to am considering abstinance from white sugar and white flour as they seem to be a slippery slope for me as well. My Psych and I have talked about it, but I am not ready to commit long term. I may do a 30 day commitment and see how that feels. We just have to not give up and work at figuring out what to do.
I find that if I eat refined sugar or flour, it sets me up to crave more, so I've committed to abstinence from them, one day at a time. It doesn't have to be a 30-day commitment. Sometimes it's just a 10-minute commitment. What works a lot is, I tell myself that I can have the whatever-it-is after eating my main meal, which satisfies that immediate craving. And then by the time the meal is finished, I no longer have the craving. At least not for that 10-minute period, LOL. This happens more at work or out-and-about, as I live alone (luckily, for this topic anyway) and can choose not to have it in the house.
I have anxiety as well and I call it Depression's Evil Twin because I find it so much worse that my comfortable old depression is good by comparison.

Progress, not perfection!
once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.
PM me if you are interested in either of these.
size 8, life is great
I've felt a binge coming on the past few days, and now I'm to the point where I can't stop eating this peanut butter (white chocolate peanut butter). I think about it all day long. I eat on thin rice cakes or straight out of the container. I think it's the sugar in it that spiraled me out of control. If I didn't have the sleeve, I'd be gorging myself on everything in sight right now.
I want to throw the peanut butter away, but I just WANT it so bad that I haven't been able to. I actually cried about it this morning. It just sucks.