VSG Maintenance Group
Support groups, cont'd
I read with interest Frisco's thread about the support group meetings he attends.
I've gone to support group meetings in both Des Moines and Kansas City. Both of them are conducted by the surgeons. The NUT speaks too. KC also has real people who have had the different WLS surgeries to speak about their experiences. DM breaks into surgery type groups after the surgeon and NUT speak. I find them to be very helpful. I just wish I lived closer. Both places are 2 hours away for me. DM is on Saturday, so easier for me to attend. DM usually has another specialist of some sort The psychiatrist has spoken several times. There have been people there with low fat/low carb recipes and samples to taste. Also various protein drinks to sample. They have had walk-a-thons and other activities too. I haven't been able to participate in them yet, but I hope to sometime.
It's too bad that all support group meetings don't have the surgeons speak. They are always willing to answer questions.. Even though I had my surgery in KC, the DM support group welcomes me without question.
I've gone to support group meetings in both Des Moines and Kansas City. Both of them are conducted by the surgeons. The NUT speaks too. KC also has real people who have had the different WLS surgeries to speak about their experiences. DM breaks into surgery type groups after the surgeon and NUT speak. I find them to be very helpful. I just wish I lived closer. Both places are 2 hours away for me. DM is on Saturday, so easier for me to attend. DM usually has another specialist of some sort The psychiatrist has spoken several times. There have been people there with low fat/low carb recipes and samples to taste. Also various protein drinks to sample. They have had walk-a-thons and other activities too. I haven't been able to participate in them yet, but I hope to sometime.
It's too bad that all support group meetings don't have the surgeons speak. They are always willing to answer questions.. Even though I had my surgery in KC, the DM support group welcomes me without question.
sounds like yours are structured too, i think it is handy to have a surgeon there to answer questions, the one i attended at the military hospital was more a whos, who and lets introduce our selves type support group.. as each patient took their turn they spoke of their journey and people could ask questions before moving on... while that is helpful to newbies coming along it kind of only really helped us reassure each other we were doing ok because we had similar experiences.
But it did help having someone you could see melt away, it enabled us to see that it was working...
But it did help having someone you could see melt away, it enabled us to see that it was working...
Linda 5".4

6lbs under goal weight
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6lbs under goal weight
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