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Interesting information Elina. Yeah, you would hate to cause upset on the main board with this as people with larger bougie surgery might feel bad. I have often felt like that was the problem for some people *****port really struggling with hunger and inability to lose weight. But Dr. C and Dr. J and others in one of their papers discussed why they went to the smaller bougie and why they start the staple line at the particular place they do and a bunch of stuff like that on how they refined the surgical technique. I read as many of their publications as i could find when I was deciding on this. I think this particular paper is either one thats on their web site under their credentials section or it may have been in Barriatric Times or in that Conference on the consensus on the VSG last year. I will look around and see if i can find which paper it was in. But posting a link to that paper may be both informative and less likely to generate arguments or hard feelings. Do any of you remember this paper? I think there are also links to quite a few on McMadame's blog site. Diane
I personally have experienced the stomach emptying faster, but dense fatty protein does seem to last longer in there for me anyway.
As for telling others about our stomachs "stretching" if its fact its fact and i dont think anyone would do it to hurt someone, but I do feel that those with a bigger sleeve should have the truth, so they can at least pre pare for the fact that if they can eat 1 cup of food at a month out it probably means that they are going to be eating alot more at one year, or two year mark when the stomach is fully healed and food is moving through alot faster.
for those people not to have regain later it may have to be a complete lifestyle change maybe so they are not trying to eat the same foods as they did pre op. knowledge is power.
I think the studies out there already tell us this to a point, anyway which is why Dr C changed to using a smaller bougie..
I also beieve that people are so scared of the sleeve getting a bad rep that they choose to ignore the published findings and would rathe tell people size of the bougie does not matter,
while its true that the length of a persons stomach plays a big part in the amount of food one can eat obviously surgeons like Dr C did not stop using a bigger bougie for no reason.
It could be a dis service to pre ops to not have the full facts when looking for a surgeon.
Its not that people will not be able to lose weight, but its keeping it off which for everyone is the most important thing.
As for telling others about our stomachs "stretching" if its fact its fact and i dont think anyone would do it to hurt someone, but I do feel that those with a bigger sleeve should have the truth, so they can at least pre pare for the fact that if they can eat 1 cup of food at a month out it probably means that they are going to be eating alot more at one year, or two year mark when the stomach is fully healed and food is moving through alot faster.
for those people not to have regain later it may have to be a complete lifestyle change maybe so they are not trying to eat the same foods as they did pre op. knowledge is power.
I think the studies out there already tell us this to a point, anyway which is why Dr C changed to using a smaller bougie..
I also beieve that people are so scared of the sleeve getting a bad rep that they choose to ignore the published findings and would rathe tell people size of the bougie does not matter,
while its true that the length of a persons stomach plays a big part in the amount of food one can eat obviously surgeons like Dr C did not stop using a bigger bougie for no reason.
It could be a dis service to pre ops to not have the full facts when looking for a surgeon.
Its not that people will not be able to lose weight, but its keeping it off which for everyone is the most important thing.
Linda 5".4

6lbs under goal weight
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6lbs under goal weight
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Thank you for posting this Elina. I just wanted to say that in my experience, I do not empty much faster at all. Yes I do empty faster that when I was early pre op, but it's still the same as it was since about 8 months out. In fact I ate lunch 2 hours ago, and I still feel stuffed 2 hours later. My meal consisted of 3 small turkey meatballs with 2 Tablespoons each ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese and marinara sauce...I could not fini**** all...
Good point, I do not empty out faster than I did, say last year this time, I empty out the same as then, but I DEFINITELY empty out earlier than normies.
I empty out faster depending on the foods, most definitely, but not faster than I used to.
But I do not take gut-crete either. :} Not sure if that matters.
I empty out faster depending on the foods, most definitely, but not faster than I used to.
But I do not take gut-crete either. :} Not sure if that matters.
Well maybe we empty or think we empty faster than normies because we eat so much less. I mean if we were to wait 5 or 6 hours between meals, we'd never make our nutritional goals for the day. Maybe it's out body's way of making sure we get fed properly. I dunno...just a thought.
I know when I'm busy, I can go for hours and hours without eating and then I get behind for the day and there's no way I can make it up.
I know when I'm busy, I can go for hours and hours without eating and then I get behind for the day and there's no way I can make it up.
Well I never forget either...BUT sometimes I get so sick of thinking about eating/drinking all the freaking time. If I'm out shopping or something fun, then dammit I'm not gonna stop just to eat. And since I don't get hungry, I can keep going like the energizer bunny! Until I from from lack of food, that is : ) Like today for instance, I got up early and had a double scoop shake, then went to the gym for an hour and a half. But instead of going home I decided to get some last minute shopping done and didn't get home till 2:30! So nada to eat from 8 till 2:30...very bad girl, but shopping took priority today! So I'm behind needless to say. Oh well, tomorrow's another day.
BTW, I just looked at my latest labs and my protein was 7.8 with a normal range from 6.2 - 8.3.
BTW, I just looked at my latest labs and my protein was 7.8 with a normal range from 6.2 - 8.3.