VSG Maintenance Group
Almost "Normal"
Hey guys, this is my first topic posted on this board. I am 14 pounds from being "normal". Haha, I sometimes feel I already look normal and sometimes not. I am germinating the thought of going for my plastics before spring. That would take some weight off and I hope not too much. I know the bmi charts are controversial and many feel a crock of **** - and I feel it's crocky too - but it's what I'm sorta going by. It's like a bougie I'm using to guide me :-)
Anyhow, I am at a size that I'm feeling almost comfortable with. Part of what contributes to this good feeling is that I now own a lot of lovely, lovely size 8 jeans & 1 size 6 (Salv Army & Goodwill) that I would hate to depart with, lol. Isn't that silly? I still have a pair of my size 40 gap jeans in the closet that look like clown pants on me, so when I wear my new jeans it's like night and day and I LOVE my new jean collection!!!
I know that I still have work to do, but I'm not in a rush to keep losing too much weight as I want the plastic surgeon to have something to work with when he suctions my belly and makes a new ass for me out of it, lmao! So I'm slightly at a crossroad of sorts. Can anyone relate?
Hey there "normal" , isn't it great to be so close to that normal bmi number! and you will get there i have no doubt. but in the meantime if you have size 8 jeans you are a normal size and weight and you should enjoy and cherish that. its so fun to be into cool jeans. i think the bmi charts and insurance co weight charts are baloney and we all have to find the size and weight thats right for us. but if you think 14 more pounds is what you need, go for it. you will be there before you know it.
i got rid of most of my fat clothes but have a few things i am holding on to for sentimental reasons. none are jeans as i had gotten so i could only wear stretch pants. and the size 10 jeans i got at old navy are really too big but i kind of like them baggy.
anyway, thanks for posting. hope you will continue to share your progress and thoughts on this group which is a fun one. and be sure to tell us all about your plastics if you want to. one of these days i am going to post a topic about that. i haven't done any any probably won't but keep thinking about it. Diane
i got rid of most of my fat clothes but have a few things i am holding on to for sentimental reasons. none are jeans as i had gotten so i could only wear stretch pants. and the size 10 jeans i got at old navy are really too big but i kind of like them baggy.
anyway, thanks for posting. hope you will continue to share your progress and thoughts on this group which is a fun one. and be sure to tell us all about your plastics if you want to. one of these days i am going to post a topic about that. i haven't done any any probably won't but keep thinking about it. Diane
that was fast! not so much the weight loss - well, it's surgery we expect fast - but being comfortable in your new size.
I felt my mind took more time than that to catch on to what my body had done.
are you sure you need plastics? maybe things will tighten up?
once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.
PM me if you are interested in either of these.
size 8, life is great
Yaay!! I am so proud on you!!
I cannot have them make my belly into nothing, so its going to have to look like an empty change purse. :}
My belly button is a dash instead of an O. :}
I just today got some cute pockety jeans! Not sparklebootykind like Diane has! but they are nice for me! :}
mz I am nearly normal. HA!
Betcha money its not so! In a fun spanky way, of course!
I cannot have them make my belly into nothing, so its going to have to look like an empty change purse. :}
My belly button is a dash instead of an O. :}
I just today got some cute pockety jeans! Not sparklebootykind like Diane has! but they are nice for me! :}
mz I am nearly normal. HA!
Betcha money its not so! In a fun spanky way, of course!
It's funny but when I go shopping in the Salvation Army my eyeballs do 2 things. While quickly going thru the hanging jeans (NOT GROUPED IN SIZE ORDER, UGH!) my eyes pick out exactly what fits me today and what used to fit me 1 year ago. It never fails - my brain says "this fits" and "this used to fit", I just laugh cuz I was a 20/22 for soooo long that I can spot that size anywhere and I can spot whatever size I am currently very easily too. It's a weird "skill" fer shur!
not a weird skill - it's very useful! rumage sale, I'm am thinking. I always have to try on and it's not worth the bother, usually.
once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.
PM me if you are interested in either of these.
size 8, life is great
i hear ya about the plastics. would like to do some as my back end has layers that look like a double chin, not to mention the belly and arms and the inner thighs. but seems like if i fixed one thing like a lower body lift then i would stilll have all the other stuff and it would be so expensive. plus i just don't feel like going through the surgery which i know would be more painful and unpleasant than the vsg was (which was a piece of cake). so i guess i to will live with my shar pei look and cover up with the sparkly jeans. fortunately i live in a cool climate where even in the summer shorts and tank tops are not necessary. so i can always hide my wrinkles whereas there was no way i could really hide that extra 118 lbs! but i like hearing about others plastics. who knows, maybe if i win the lottery........D
congrats, you sure are doing well, i have tried to get rid of most of my big clothes i still neeed to empty out some of the ones i bought on the way down, but i know what you mean when you start to get a collection of clothes they start to become comfy and homly where as if you only own one or two you dont mind skipping down to the next size.
maybe you can make your mind up when you see the plastic surgeon, he/she can prob give you a better idea of if he thinks you need to lose anymore or whether you need to stay where you are so you have enough fat to use.
maybe you can make your mind up when you see the plastic surgeon, he/she can prob give you a better idea of if he thinks you need to lose anymore or whether you need to stay where you are so you have enough fat to use.
Linda 5".4

6lbs under goal weight
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6lbs under goal weight
Join US On The VSG Maintenance Group Forum!!
Thanks. When I grab my belly I think it has enuf fat to transplant to my butt. I am top heavy so my legs are looking like twigs in comparison. I wish I could tell my body where to lose weight from but alas it does it's thing. My shape is similar to when I was a teenager except I didn't have a big belly :-( and my boobs were awesome back then :-((