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Blahhhh why can't I settle on a final goal weight??? Not happy...

diane S.
on 11/29/10 1:44 am
well i don't know the answer to this except i do know that the personal trainer doesn't have it. YOu look like a million bucks in all your pictures so if i were you i wouldn't be too obsessed with scale and would make your goal be the size jeans you like to wear. forget about the other stuff (and don't read the ridiculous post i just made about something similar). you are not FAT FAT FAT  and don't let that nasty little inner voice or anyone else tell you otherwise. focus on something else like your workout routine or some different exercise or some other completely unrelated activity.  and repeat after me" I AM NOT FAT I AM NOT FAT I AM NOT FAT" . guess it takes awhile to convince ourselves of this.. D

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Mandyplus2 ..
on 11/29/10 1:59 am - GA
Thanks Diane!

I think it was the combination of eating the carbs and gaining 5 lbs, the trainer telling me I'm fat and doing everything wrong, my period this week (bloat!), and my doctor's appt coming up and me not being at their 160 goal yet. I WAS feeling pretty o****il all of that. lol
 5'8" - 40 years old

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/10 1:46 am
VSG on 05/04/09 with
And another thing, because obviously it chaps my redundant ass..

those caliper readings are pure d bull****  You get 5 different people to do it 17 different times and will come up with different readings each time.  Those things are crap, along with their scale cousins that send electricity current only through your legs. 

So, that!
Mandyplus2 ..
on 11/29/10 2:01 am - GA
This was that electronic handheld device thingy. They enter height, weight, age, sex, and then you hold it out in front of you. The trainer said it's supposed to have a 10% error margin, but you think they are useless?

I was wondering about the scales also! Gawd why can't there be an easy way to measure body fat at home!? Come on scientists!!!
 5'8" - 40 years old

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/10 2:10 am
VSG on 05/04/09 with
The trainer who told you you were fat?  *suspicious eyebrow*

yes they are useless for a REAL gauge.  They are find for you to say oh well it says this, and now it says this and here is a difference, but yes - as far as reality?  Pbbbbtttt. 

The lady at curves used one on me one day, I had another lady do it the next and another the next, all 3 way different readings. 

Yea.. my not so big ol floppity bottom 10% error margin.  Betcha he read that in the "how to speak trainer 101" insert.

*has a seizure from all the eye rolling*
Mandyplus2 ..
on 11/29/10 2:27 am - GA

He's a goofball. I would never use him for training, he was just trying to chat me up to get my business. One thing he said that really annoyed the crap out of me was that I should do cardio and weights back to back. I'm like, dude, I do HIIT and lift really heavy. You seriously think those two things should be done at the same time? So, like, 2 hours straight of working out. Both are extremely taxing and I don't see how I'd have the energy to do whichever one I chose to do second. I'd probably freaking faint!

He just has no clue about body building OR HIIT (he had to ask me what it was - now I'm rolling my eyes!). Maybe some people do that but I really haven't seen a single expert in the bodybuilding community recommend that.
 5'8" - 40 years old

Still Fawn
on 11/29/10 3:29 am - SIERRA MADRE, CA
Aw hugs Mandy! I have nothing to help you, just wanted to say that you are beautiful, NOT FAT AT ALL, and the guy was a touch-hole. Sometimes people need a whack upside the head.. My baby said to me the other day: "Mommy, why do some people eat so little and still look kinda fat?".. she is 6 mind you.. so I say, like who Caitie- and she says "like you"... I nearly had to pick my jaw up off the floor- and my hubby is still making fun of me about it today... but long story short- you gotta brush people off who don't know any better, either because they are a little kid or because they have the mental capacity of one!

PS. I would kill for your boobs.. the end...

 I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."   - Ramona L. Anderson

on 11/29/10 4:35 am - TX
PSS.  I would kill for your boobs..the end...
                                  Goal in EIGHT months!
         Highest/Surgery Weight 248 Goal Weight 165 Current Weight 165-175
                           Starting BMI 33.7 Current BMI 22.1
             I'm 42 years young, my height is 6' and I've had no plastics!
                                          I  my sleeve!!!
Still Fawn
on 11/29/10 4:49 am - SIERRA MADRE, CA
You too? She does have fantastic boobs, no?  LOL

 I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."   - Ramona L. Anderson

on 11/29/10 5:38 am - TX

Heck yeah she does!  I did have really great ones, DDs, but now they are Bs which on someone of my height and frame is pretty disproportionately small but
hey, they are still pretty perky and they look great in a padded push up bra so I'm am good with them but I did enjoy having nicely sized tatas. That was the ONE good thing about being overweight.

                                  Goal in EIGHT months!
         Highest/Surgery Weight 248 Goal Weight 165 Current Weight 165-175
                           Starting BMI 33.7 Current BMI 22.1
             I'm 42 years young, my height is 6' and I've had no plastics!
                                          I  my sleeve!!!