VSG Maintenance Group
Short-term findings of my PPI experiment.
Background in case its needed: I was not sent home on PPIs, only acid reducers. Took them until the 2 month supply was gone, have not had issue. Yaay.
Folks had conversation re: gastric emptying - that sleevers empty out quicker, one solution to slowing down emptying is addition of a PPI. MzLaura also said when she was NOT on her PPI, she had the starvin marvins.
I typically get hungry every 3 hours. Do not find it unreasonable, since I eat small amounts. Its not an issue for me - but I was curious if it would extend my hunger.
Personal Findings:
Hunger: My hunger went from clockwork 3 hours (if I had eaten a dense meal before) to 4+ hours.
Constipation: HOly Moley. Yes. Due to a poll sort of thing taken, have gathered many ways to remedy that. Some folks get it, some folks do not. Hey! That must mean, WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT. Novel! Yes!
NAUSEA!!! : Wow, yea. I had 2 bouts of nausea in the year and a half after surgery (both after random run-ins with egg salad), before taking the PPI starting last Tuesday. Since last Tuesday I have been nauseous and/or hurkey at least once per day, random times before and/or after eating. Still eating the same foods I was eating so no change in food or volume that could be the culprit.
Personal Summary:
Hunger: It definitely helped space my hunger out. If my hunger was a huge problem, then this might possibly be a solution. Not sure if that is just a short term finding in the beginning of the use, which it could be, but it is a nice thing to store in my memory banks in case.
Constipation: Not worth the "exit" fee, as MsLee put it. Even Miralaxing, Colacing, and Smooth Move Teaing it has not eliminated that for me. If I *needed* the PPI because of horrible reflux/heartburn/GERD, then I would definitely find a away to deal, but just to extend hunger a bit, not so much.
Nausea: Again, another if I do not have medical need, there is no point in suffering through or learning to deal.
So!! There ya have it, in case you wondered! Or in case you did not there you have it anyway.
The constipation and the nausea are not worth it to me to continue to see if they go away. I vote no having angry anus and broken blood vessels all over my face and neck!
I will go back on mine just to see if it helps me at all.

6lbs under goal weight
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No constipation, ( no more than usual since I take iron and don't eat enough fruits or veggies)
No nausea either.
If fact, I feel 100% better . I just have to be vigilent at remembering my calcium.
I drink too much coffee, that's for sure, makes it a lot worse. no constipation, though.
once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.
PM me if you are interested in either of these.
size 8, life is great