VSG Maintenance Group
Have doctor's guidelines changed?
I agree about the VSG board and the shock of what people are eating 1-2 weeks out. Then they wonder why they aren't losing. I think to myself, "they will never make goal."
For me, cutting out processed carbs worked, not only because it's what I was told to do, but because otherwise I couldn't eat what I needed to get down. I also think that most of us have carb addictions, and it's funny how I don't miss the bread! Even now, when I can eat anything I want( and do), I rarely eat bread, or other refined carbs. I don't miss it, and when I do have it, a bite or two will do. However, sugar and chocolate, well that's a different story altogether ;)
For me, cutting out processed carbs worked, not only because it's what I was told to do, but because otherwise I couldn't eat what I needed to get down. I also think that most of us have carb addictions, and it's funny how I don't miss the bread! Even now, when I can eat anything I want( and do), I rarely eat bread, or other refined carbs. I don't miss it, and when I do have it, a bite or two will do. However, sugar and chocolate, well that's a different story altogether ;)

It makes me go "what" too! My surgeon didn't seem to know much about VSG stuff. He gave me a diet plan to follow. I chose VSG cuz I didn't want to diet. I didnt' want to restrict myself my anything and when I listen to my little suzy sleeve, it's all good. I did most of my own research on the internet and stayed on liquids longer than what was suggested cuz it felt right. I have to remember my sleeve is just a tool and I have to work it! I gone to several support groups and they drive me crazy! Too much diet talk, nothing seems real there. OH saved my life before surgery and most definately after. My doc told me that most the the weight comes off in the 1st year and he told me I was in the 95% percentile and was very happy with my success. But, I gotta tell you that I got pretty lazy after 12 months and 1 day. Must be psychological!! I try and do what I did before "most of the time" and I know I'm playing with it a lot of the time. It seems to me there is lots of research to be done with VSG and we are all still learning. Stay close to me guys cuze I love you!
Like with any "business" when money becomes involved "rules" fall by the waistside and patient CARE can become secondary. I have NEVER been a rule follower (I just love being a rebel) BUT with that in mind I personally will NOT just take the "words" of a doctor just because he's a doctor. He's only as good as the last journal he read or wrote!! I can tell my doctor more about the surgery then he knows, as his immediate field may be bariatrics but MY main field is me and before you do anything to me I gotta know what you doing.
Most addicts don't want to understand their addiction and there lies the problem with some folks thinking that MERELY having WLS will "cure" them and yada yada.
MS Shell
Most addicts don't want to understand their addiction and there lies the problem with some folks thinking that MERELY having WLS will "cure" them and yada yada.
MS Shell
I did not take the time (yet) to read the other responses, but I wanted to chime in...
My plan had me on clear liquid while in the hospital...
Full liquids for 3 days after I got out...
Then on to purees
The on to Soft Foods until 3-4 weeks out
Then regular food after that!!!!
I was very careful to chew well and not over eat... but I did progress to each stage right away... and have had no problems...
I was following my surgeons plan...

My plan had me on clear liquid while in the hospital...
Full liquids for 3 days after I got out...
Then on to purees
The on to Soft Foods until 3-4 weeks out
Then regular food after that!!!!
I was very careful to chew well and not over eat... but I did progress to each stage right away... and have had no problems...
I was following my surgeons plan...

Yes Cindy, but you are mindful of what you eat and always have been...you're too anal not to be. And that is meant as a compliment. I think we're talking about people eating cereal, mac n cheese, pizza and crap like that.
I have a friend who had her vsg 3 months before me and she could not stand the liquid phase so she started "sucking" on cheetos to get through it. It all went down hill from there. She started at about 285 and now 2 years later is sitting about 235. She could have done way better than that if only she'd tried. She watched me shrink in front of her eyes and knew the plan I was following, but she just wouldn't do it. She eats crappy food..bottom line, she'll probably be back to 285 and never even smelled goal. This ain't easy. It takes work and continued dedication. Thank God we have each other.
I have a friend who had her vsg 3 months before me and she could not stand the liquid phase so she started "sucking" on cheetos to get through it. It all went down hill from there. She started at about 285 and now 2 years later is sitting about 235. She could have done way better than that if only she'd tried. She watched me shrink in front of her eyes and knew the plan I was following, but she just wouldn't do it. She eats crappy food..bottom line, she'll probably be back to 285 and never even smelled goal. This ain't easy. It takes work and continued dedication. Thank God we have each other.
I don't know about new guidelines. My post op instructions were very simple. Clear liquids in the hospital. Full liquids the first week. Mushies and soft foods for three weeks. Back to real food at one month. My Dr did not advocate low carb at all.
I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within." - Ramona L. Anderson