VSG Maintenance Group
I am SO SICK of being hungry all the time!!!
well we just have to keep thinking about this until there is a solution. because it could happen to any of us. Lizzy may be on to something on the ppi. You may be having some excess acid issues. i no longer have to take any but for many its essential. and i do know from experience that protonix is the absolute best and strongest. but even over the counter prilosec may help. and consider taking a plain old tums when you get that feeling. might help, can't hurt.
also, don't give up on cirangle and amy. you are surely not the first patient they have had with this issue. print out your comments on these and show them to amy so she gets a true feeling for what you are up against. I notified her about this group. . Dr. C says a rebound gain of 10 or 15 pounds is totally normal and not to be too worried about it. Also, I know Dr. Jossart sometimes prescribed fentermine as an appetite supressant to people who had reached goal and were struggling with some regain. Maybe Cirangle would do that and it would take the edge off. but at least start with amy. worth a shot.
and you may be a person who needs some more carbohydrates than some of the rest of us. There are some higher protein grains that are complex carbs like quinoa and amaranth that i have been experimenting with in small amounts lately. they are good. and i have always found that hot soup is very filling and if it has dense protein in it you are getting in what you need. and you can make a big pot and eat it for days or even buy canned soup and supplement it with beef or chicken.
and yeah, obsessing about food and what and when to eat can be a real drag. I had a friend who was always on weigh****chers and we would travel together. seemed our trips revolved around what she could eat and we had to walk out of some restaurants, decide ahead of time if we were going to have one drink or two before dinner and on and on. can get so tiring. but its worth the effort to find some easier solutions. do you thing any of the hunger is head hunger or is it pretty much the real thing? could you be anemic? my sister in law is very anemic and has dreams about eating meat because of it and eats and eats in part because of it. she is obese and the fibroids she has which cause the anemia i think contribute to her constant hunger. so maybe something is missing there. do you take any other medicines that stimulate appetitie? steroids sure do. maybe a blood sugar fluctuation that is abnormal?
sure sympathize with the fact that you have a job, family and life and just can't spend every second worrying about this. thats the same thing that made traditional dieting such a drag. my husband, obese but not sleeved (yet) follows a low carb plan and says drinking a glass of psillium fiber mixed with crystal light helps him feel full and less hungry. and there is that barriatric surgeon who sells those "full bars" intended to help you feel fuller. I ate one once pre p and they are not bad. might try a half one since you don't want to overload the sleeve and have too much puff up inside you. . the guy is a legitimate barriatric surgeon as he did rny on a friend of mine in Denver with good results and was thorougly researched.
if hot tea helps and exercise, sure keep that up. maybe add benefiber to your tea since its tasteless. just keep trying all these different things until you find the right routine. its gotta be out there. keep reporting in. we gotta find you an answer. D
also, don't give up on cirangle and amy. you are surely not the first patient they have had with this issue. print out your comments on these and show them to amy so she gets a true feeling for what you are up against. I notified her about this group. . Dr. C says a rebound gain of 10 or 15 pounds is totally normal and not to be too worried about it. Also, I know Dr. Jossart sometimes prescribed fentermine as an appetite supressant to people who had reached goal and were struggling with some regain. Maybe Cirangle would do that and it would take the edge off. but at least start with amy. worth a shot.
and you may be a person who needs some more carbohydrates than some of the rest of us. There are some higher protein grains that are complex carbs like quinoa and amaranth that i have been experimenting with in small amounts lately. they are good. and i have always found that hot soup is very filling and if it has dense protein in it you are getting in what you need. and you can make a big pot and eat it for days or even buy canned soup and supplement it with beef or chicken.
and yeah, obsessing about food and what and when to eat can be a real drag. I had a friend who was always on weigh****chers and we would travel together. seemed our trips revolved around what she could eat and we had to walk out of some restaurants, decide ahead of time if we were going to have one drink or two before dinner and on and on. can get so tiring. but its worth the effort to find some easier solutions. do you thing any of the hunger is head hunger or is it pretty much the real thing? could you be anemic? my sister in law is very anemic and has dreams about eating meat because of it and eats and eats in part because of it. she is obese and the fibroids she has which cause the anemia i think contribute to her constant hunger. so maybe something is missing there. do you take any other medicines that stimulate appetitie? steroids sure do. maybe a blood sugar fluctuation that is abnormal?
sure sympathize with the fact that you have a job, family and life and just can't spend every second worrying about this. thats the same thing that made traditional dieting such a drag. my husband, obese but not sleeved (yet) follows a low carb plan and says drinking a glass of psillium fiber mixed with crystal light helps him feel full and less hungry. and there is that barriatric surgeon who sells those "full bars" intended to help you feel fuller. I ate one once pre p and they are not bad. might try a half one since you don't want to overload the sleeve and have too much puff up inside you. . the guy is a legitimate barriatric surgeon as he did rny on a friend of mine in Denver with good results and was thorougly researched.
if hot tea helps and exercise, sure keep that up. maybe add benefiber to your tea since its tasteless. just keep trying all these different things until you find the right routine. its gotta be out there. keep reporting in. we gotta find you an answer. D
How's your stress? I hate my friend and co worker!(not really!) She stops eating when stressed. My daughter went away for college in the summer, and I gained 5 lbs! I find that I do feel a lot like you do- stomach is full, but I "want" to eat. I think I'm hungry, but really I'm lonely, stressed, or bored. Do you feel less hungry when your busy?
But I also agree that when I have a substantial meal, I don't think about food for hours. Are you journalling your food? Maybe you can see a pattern. For me, when I've eaten very little all day, I'll be famished all night long and can't seem to get a feeling of satiety.
But I also agree that when I have a substantial meal, I don't think about food for hours. Are you journalling your food? Maybe you can see a pattern. For me, when I've eaten very little all day, I'll be famished all night long and can't seem to get a feeling of satiety.

Hey Jen, I take a Prevaid every day and I do believe it helps with hunger. I remember when I was 6 months out I tried to wean myself off of it and not only did I experience the burning feel of the acid, but also my hunger started to increase. I realized that it was just something that I was going to have to take indefinitely. I also had a bone density scan done this past summer as I am now 47 years old and my numbers were well above average for my age. I do lots of weight bearing exercise, so maybe that has helped. But if the medicine can help with the hunger then you owe it to yourself to find out. I sure hope you can get a handle on this.
I am curious as to what hunger feels like to different people. I have a friend who is sleeved and she says she is always hungry. I asked her what hunger feels like to her. I know I am hungry because my stomach is growling. She said her stomach never growls. She said, she knows she is hungry
because she is thinking " what can I have to eat?" Isn't that head hunger?
I asked her if her stomach ever growled and she said no. She thought it was weird that I only thought I was hungry if my stomach growled.
because she is thinking " what can I have to eat?" Isn't that head hunger?
I asked her if her stomach ever growled and she said no. She thought it was weird that I only thought I was hungry if my stomach growled.
Gosh, that's a good question. When I was 6 months out I tried getting off of the Prevacid and at that time I started experiencing both heartburn and regular old hunger...like before surgery. After a month I thought, the hell with this, and started back on it and those feelings quickly went away. Soooo, what I'm trying to say is I have never really experienced hunger since then and I hope I never do. In fact, I just had my plastic surgery and when I woke up from surgery, I was actually hungry as it had been about 20 hours since I'd had anything. I was pissed because they said I had to wait till the next day. That is the first time I've felt huger in a very long time and I couldn't satisfy it! I ate 4 pitchers of ice that night and by the next morning, the hunger was gone and I was back to normal.
I also take 10,000iu's of dry vitamin D and 1500mgs of calcium citrate a day to help counter the supposed negative bone issues and so far it is working. I just had my baseline bone density done and was above normal. It may be worth it to try give PPI's a try.
I also take 10,000iu's of dry vitamin D and 1500mgs of calcium citrate a day to help counter the supposed negative bone issues and so far it is working. I just had my baseline bone density done and was above normal. It may be worth it to try give PPI's a try.
****Well OUR realiaty is that we CAN'T and the sooner you give into that and make peace with NOT being normal then the quicker you will move beyond it.****
Ms. Shell that was truly profound and just what I needed to hear... that we ALL need to hear.
I think I'm going to put this on my desk:
My reality is different than others and the sooner I make peace with that the quicker I can move beyond it.
I LOVE it! Thanks so much!
Ms. Shell that was truly profound and just what I needed to hear... that we ALL need to hear.
I think I'm going to put this on my desk:
My reality is different than others and the sooner I make peace with that the quicker I can move beyond it.
I LOVE it! Thanks so much!