VSG Maintenance Group
On my way to San Antonio...
wow that is so cool, i wish you all the best, and hope you do really well. good luck
Linda 5".4

6lbs under goal weight
Join US On The VSG Maintenance Group Forum!!

6lbs under goal weight
Join US On The VSG Maintenance Group Forum!!
That is awesome! You freaking rock!
I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within." - Ramona L. Anderson
Well...I survived! My time came in about 2 hours and 11 mins (about a 10min mile) My bootie is SORE, LOL! I am ready for a little rest now. I crewed in the Komen 3 Day weekend before last (3 14 hour days spent cycling, walking and being crazy cheerful in addition to directing traffic and walkers) and did the half marathon this past weekend...I think am going to sleep in tomorrow!
Whoooottt! My lilla sister and BIL were running with you in San Antonio !! I waved to yall all from here and cheered yall from all the checkpoints!
Didja sleep in? After my marathon, my hips felt like I was a zillion years old! Course I was about 230 pounds then too, poor hips! :}
Didja sleep in? After my marathon, my hips felt like I was a zillion years old! Course I was about 230 pounds then too, poor hips! :}