March 2012 Sleevers
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I'm Elaine and I've been over-weight most of my life (38 years old now). We lived overseas until I was 5, then when we returned to the States I quckly gained weight with all the access to fast, unhealthy foods. I hit puberty early and was uncomfortable with it, and I think being fat made me feel more invisible. It was like a safety barrier around me.
I didn't get picked on in school, just picked last for sports or anything active.
Time passed and so did diets. . .the ones in childhood and teenage-dom (teenagers requiring a kingdom, not just a 'hood!) being thrust upon me, and since I never really WANTED to be thin, they were all pretty useless, just causing me to gain more weight after each one.
I never hated my body, but during and after high school, I was embarrassed by it. My adult dieting was fairly lackadaisicle also, I think the only one I got serious on was the South Beach diet, where I lost about 30 pounds and kept them off for about 8-9 months. Then I talked myself into eating unhealthy again (so long as I had protein first, of course!)
Reaching over 300 lbs and having some hygiene and looming health issues made me get serious again, and this time I decided on surgery. Plication was my 1st choice, but a small medical history issue and experince by surgeons made me change it to VSG.
I get to start creamy soups tomorrow, and have only seen about 1/3 lb weight loss after surgery, but I'm still trying to get all of my water in, not even worrying too much yet about protein.
Oddly enough, after a lifetime of hating exercise, I can't wait to get back to using my stationary bike. . . 5 weeks to go.
Post-op, just adding cocoa to it is so-so.
Adkins-- something chocolate, tolerable pre-op
Slimfast 1-2-3 -- they are drinkable, I guess, but not 1st choice -- pre-op
Spiru-tein cappucchino was gross--pre-op
I just had UNJURY Chocolate Splendor. . .It was AMAZING!!!

The strawberry sorbet is gross, I'll try it cooler, maybe that will help?? It didn't help at all.
UNJURY unflavored is okay. I added it to butternut squash soup and it didn't change the flavor much.
I'm trying the chicken soup one of these days.
Just tried Proasis Clear Raspberry protein shot: 5 grams carb / 25 grams protein in 2.9 fl oz. sickeningly sweet. Tolerable in water when I held my nose!

Chike! Strawberry Burst-- 28 g protein, 11g total carbs --tastes like melted strawberry ice cream!-- very nice.

Chike! Banana Blast --ok if you like banana flavor
Chike! Vanilla Bean Torte -- good
Nectar Fuzzy Navel-- the flavor was ok, but still had "protein" smell.
Nectar Chocolate Truffle -- very good

Nectar Tropical Cooler -- good, mixes with water
Matrix 2.0 Perfect Chocolate -- good
Matrix 2.0 Mint Cookie -- it does taste like Girl Scout Thin Mints in a shake

I've got a bunch more ordered, so I'll keep adding to post
I got my sleeve on March 19th at the OCC in Mexico
Currently on clear liquids + liquid yoghurt.
Anyone else having dreams of eating real food? (And then getting into trouble in the dream because of it?)
I've found that there are SO many different opinions of what is okay to eat and when.
I was eating those soups (pureed) at one week out, but others were on much more restrictive plans.
Thank you.
The Keys 2 Success can is for my daily gems. Once that is completely filled, I will calculate how much I've "made" and then divide the money between the Vegas and WDW cans.
I am working on my encouragement wall for in front of my computer and will post that as soon as that is done as well.
1. Trip to Vegas for hitting Onederland
2. Trip to Walt Disney World for reaching my goal
I am giving myself 10 cents for each gem. Once I fill my bank, I will count it and divide it between the two trips and then begin again. I already have the banks set up and ready! I took pics an hour ago and will post them later.
I have to ask, because we have used the gems for our boy as his rewards of good behavior & habits (pre money understanding for him). We put a value to certain amounts gained by him.... have you decided what you'll reward yourself after certain amounts of gems attained for these healthy habits??
I think it's a wonderful idea & I really like the decorated jar idea & I will be copying you!! Some things that come to mind for me are spa services, facial, mani, pedi, massage type stuff. I never thought I deserved it before. These would be fun goals to work toward for me. Plus it would help me grow emotionally also.
I challenged a friend at work, who had voiced to me she would like to drop 20lbs. I said ok, we both struggle getting in our activity & exercise, so we match each other. Meaning if 1 of us walks a certain amount of time or distance the other has to match it. We can raise each other too :) So, although we can't always do it together we can motivate each other to get moving. So far it's been working & has been fun.
Hello all!! Well, my story is similar to many in many ways I'm sure. I have struggled with my weight most of my life. My mother has told me ever since I had my tonsils, tubes & adenoids done I started wearing husky sizes. My grandmother always said TTI (tuck your tummy in) & both she & my mother are very small women. I was a victim of rape & the weight gain really began there. Then when I thought that was out of the way (healed), I landed myself with an abusive ex husband. mainly mental & verbal but it ended physical & I got divorced. Since then I have done Atkins, WW, OA, Bodybugg, Results By KIm, Optifast, Prescriptions appetite suppresants, OTC diet pills, low cal diet, low fat diet, etc etc etc. I have a wonderful Therapist that has helped me realize my dysfunctional relationship with food & the things I was still carrying around emotionally. We have worked very hard on these things last 2+ yrs & I have also worked on my eating & food. My biggest issue now seems to be portions, no matter how hard I try I always want more. I eat very healthy for last year. Allowing myself indulgences in very small portions at appriate times so I don't deprive myself & go nuts! Between her & my doctor, we have decided this is my best option & appropriate for me now. I say now because I have thought about & talked myself out of bariatric surgery for many years believing "I wasn't bad enough" or " I just needed better will power". My mother had a heart attack at 47 & was diagnosed w/ coronary artery disease & high cholesterol. These are all genetic & this got me really thinking. (3 years ago) All this is gentic, my risks for cancer are so much higher, pregnancy prob not gonna happen, not w/o probs anyway. Well I talked myself out of it again. But last April I decided it's time when it hit me that I can't keep up with my 6 yr old step son (new wonderful boyfriend of 4 yrs now) & that I don't wanna die before my parents & possibly my grandparents because I can't be honest w/ myself that I can't do this alone. So, I started this journey (for real this & now I'm just 2 days from the beginning of new life & endless opportunities to try & do things my weight held me back on.