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Metabolism Basics

posted 4/22/13 1:41 am

Let's keep it simple.

Your metabolism is essentially the number of calories you use in a day for energy. Your normal body functions will account for the vast majority of calories you burn in a day, i.e. heart rate, respiration, etc.. Increasing the number of calories your body uses, even just by a little will significantly help you lose weight. To do so, follow these 5 basic steps without counting calories.

  1. Increase the number of days you exercise.
  2. Increase the intensity of each exercise session.
  3. Cut out sugar, alcohol, processed foods and starches.
  4. Increase vegetable and fruit intake to account for 50-60% of your total intake of food.
  5. Eat small meals every 3-4 hours consisting of a low-fat protein, veggie and or fruit.

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