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Support group...Awesome time

posted 9/16/08 12:05 pm
Once again we had a great meeting with twelve people present.   Two pre-ops, one gastric bypass and five post op lap banders!   Great turn out and it feels good to know that others are finding out about the group.

If you missed it, we discussed the difference between snacking and grazing.   Everyone listed 5 things that causes or has caused them to graze, then listed three things they can do to keep from or stop grazing...every one is encouraged to hang that up somewhere in their kitchen so they and others can see where they can stop the munching.  Ideas were shared.

Go outside
Work in yard or garden
Call a friend or support person
Read a book
Reading Bible
Go for a walk
Help others

There are no wrong answers as long as you replace bad habits with a good one.

Thanks to all of you who are new to the group!

Some celebrations include...

Chris is beyond 50 lbs off

Sheena is very close to her 50 and is hoping for a first fill on Monday

Selma is losing and doing at least 1 1/2 hours of water excersizes a day

I have not lost but I am working hard on the mental aspect of tackling my obesity and about 5 pounds from never being morbidly obese ever again

But the biggest sucess reported tonight was Beverly who is not yet two weeks out of surgery, walking into the meeting instead of riding and being down to two insulin shots a day from FIVE!!!

We are moving on.   Remember to use affirmations when you start to struggle.  We are worth it and better yet we deserve it.  

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