It is up to me


Thought for today
September 29, 2008 1:59 am
I am proud of myself for all I have accomplished no matter how small or great.

Melissa's thoughts - Over and over again we rehash how many pounds we have lost.   This helps us see where we have been but sometimes we are so focused on the weight that we forget the other accomplishments or the none scale victories.

What meds have we decreased or come off of completely?
HAve you changed the location of your seat when driving the car?
Are you able to walk a greater distance without tiring?
CAn you get down on the floor to play with children or pets?

Think about the things that have changed for you.   Here is a list of things for me.

Off Blood pressure meds
Walk without getting winded
Jog for short distances
Wear my wedding bands on middle finger
Don't mind getting my picture taken
Can fit into a booth even at Red Lobster and Outback
Don't drive with my toes any more
Sex...well I will leave that to your imagination
Less pressure on my bad knee
Down from a size 32 to 20

When you accomplish something that you could not do before weight loss, no matter how small, it is a BIG WIN.

I am proud of myself for all I have accomplished no matter how small or great.  Yes I have lost 84lbs but those things listed above make the most difference in my day to day life.

Take a monent today to think about your the non scale victories you have achieved...what is next on the list?   Use those things to help gauge your progress.
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Thought for today
September 28, 2008 6:48 am
I am in charge. I am responsible for the direction of my boat.

Melissa's thoughts - The name of our group says it all.   IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME.  I am in charge of my life.  I choose how I react to the things that happen to me today and everyday.   No one stresses me out, I allow them to have that hold on me.   It is not always easy but I have to remind my self that this is MY BOAT...I am Captain as Captain I  am responsible for my choices...excercise or not, eat chocolate or not, pasta and potatoes or not.   Some times I will make a wrong choice because I am human, but because I am Captain I have to get the boat back on course....for I am in charge. I am responsible for the direction of my boat.

Please remember that we are all trying hard to head in the same direction, some will be slower, some faster, some may fall off course more often, but we all are trying to get to that healthier life.   Don't forget to reach out to others if you need assistance.   Even a Captain has a crew!

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Thought for today - from Melissa...
September 26, 2008 11:08 pm
I will be patient in steadily working toward my goal, remembering that all good comes in time.

Melissa's thoughts - We did not get to our highest weight overnight.   for me it took years and years of inaction and bad eating habits.   

I cannot lose it overnight,but there is something else here to think about.   Although it took years and years to put on, I can lose it consistantly and a lot of people can get to their goal in 18 months.  I am only 65 lbs from my goal, November will be one year.   At my third fill, I lost 15 lbs in one month, because I did what I needed to do.  If I have 4 more months where I work hard...I can be at my goal by 14 months out.

I did not get to 300 lbs overnight and I cannot lose it all overnight, but if I am patient in steadily working toward my goal, remembering that all good comes in time, I WILL be able to lose it in MONTHS NOT YEARS!

Chin up...Keep your eye on your Goal!

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Thought for the day
September 26, 2008 1:17 am
I will not listen to anyone who tells me what I can't do.   Melissa's thoughts - This includes myself.   We are so apt to apply this to Family, Friends and Doctors who tell us we can't do this...we fight for what we want for ourselves, until it is time to face us.   When you think you cannot do something...face it and do it.   Don't feel like walking?   Walk some more.  Don't feel like excersizing?  Do some sort of excersize.   Do it because you remember how badly you wanted to lose this weight, do it yourself because you remember you want to be healthy, do it because you remember that you want to be around for your family and friends.   DO IT FOR YOU...   Just for today, I will not listen to anyone who tells me what I can't do...and that includes the little gremlin in my head.
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Anniversary Celebration
September 23, 2008 6:52 am
Today, Ira and I celebrate two years of marriage.   It has not all been good but most of it has been great.   He and I are like puzzle pieces that were meant to be put together.   We are there for each other, like our vows good times and bad, sickness and health.   We are together through it all.

When times get tough, I look at the man and remember his smile, his eyes, his voice, his touch and remember how go it felt the first time he asked for my number, how well he took care of me through my surgeries, how much we have grown as a couple and as individuals.

So, I can tell you that today is the greatest day of my life.  The man I love, that God put in my path is by my side.  Things may intervene but he and I will always be one.   No person, no event, can remove him from my heart...

For you my love...forever and ever your baby I'll be.
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