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Question of the week: What was your most memorable trip?

posted 12/6/09 2:15 am
Guess, I'll get this one started. Everyone else feel free to chime in.

My most memorable travel experience was a day in Roatan Honduras this April. We stopped there on our Norwegian Pearl cruise.  Sailing into Roatan was an experience in itself.  As a dim fog lifted over the island, we were greeted with a skyline of low rolling mountainous terrain.  Tiny churches and tropical houses dotted the fauna.  Gentle waves crashed against the shoreline of beautiful turquoise waters. The island beckoned us in with it's spirit of mystery and vibrancy.

After about an hour of sipping coffee on deck in my lounge chair, the pilot boats finally maneuvered us in and the anchors were dropped.  Looking down onto the island, we were greeted by dancers from the Garifuna people of the island.  They drummed and danced us a warm welcome to their island.

Roatan is a relatively new port for cruises, and is less commercialized than some of the popular ports of call.  Consequently, shopping and walking tours are not abundant. There is a small strip of shops, owned by the cruise companies, just as you exit the ships. The local shops are not very commercialized and are more suited for locals than tourists. Therefore, we opted to hire a driver for the day from Cynthia and Diana Tours for or the full day.  Our driver Isiah greeted us promptly as we debarked in a modern air-conditioned passenger van which was roomy and comfy for me and my 17 year old son. 

Our first stop was to be the Yubu Experience at Potlilly Blight, which shows traditional customs of the Garifuna people, African descendants that settled in Honduras via the slave trade.  I was surprised to see there was a diverse population of black people in Honduras. I had expected it to be more Hispanic, but there was a good mix about 50/50%.   On the way to Yubu, we stopped at a few roadside markets, and some scenic picture taking spots. Saw a few shipwrecks, stopped at a local convenience store which was more of a shack, and enjoyed the scenery of banana plantations and lush foliage.  We were stopped a few times by local police armed with m-16 rifles.  I highly recommend a private driver in Roatan for this reason. We felt safe and secure with Isiah behind the wheel and were waved through all the checkpoints. I never felt scared or unprotected with him by my side.

Yubu was nice. We paid the admission fee and ascended the wooden steps to a thatched roof hut like structure. Drumming and dancing natives welcomed us.  We viewed some traditional structures, watched a bread-making exhibit, and sampled some of the local foods.

Back on the road again, Isiah took us to some of the local spots he hangs out with his friends.  Surprisingly, all the way in Honduras they get American music. He especially loved country and rap. He popped in a few rap cd's and he and my son discussed the latest in American hip hop culture while I laid back and enjoyed the view.

We arrived at our next stop the Mayan Princess Resort about 30 minutes later on the opposite side of the island. It was breathtaking. I have never seen such a beautiful beach in my life! The water was perfect.  Mayan Princess has a beautiful pool with waterfalls, and bridges, and lagoons. We grabbed a couple of chairs on the beach 1st, and went off to explore.  Having Isiah made this so much nicer, since part of his duties included babysitting my towels and personal belongings.  We walked next door to the Bananarama beach resort and danced and shopped along the beach.  We walked out on the pier and looked at a few tropical fish in the water.  Then, we came back to Mayan Princess, had a light lunch of local seafood and pasta, and took advantage of the pool, massages, and the other amenities.

After a day of sightseeing, dancing, dining, and shopping, we headed back to the beach.  We stopped and did some shopping at the port shops, and got back on the ship.  Sail away was beautiful and we were pleased with a breathtaking sunset. Since it had rained a bit earlier in the day, it was breezy, and huge white crested waves crashed against the rocky shore. It was like something out of a magazine.  I think a few tears formed because I really did not want to come back home.

The night ended with more dinner, dancing, pictures, and strolling around the ship.

I love Roatan, and I think it will always have a special place in my heart. I just got a good vibe from the place. I can't wait to return one day. Soon.

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