2012 Surgery Sisters
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I noticed this group isn't too active although people are joining. I figured I'd kick it off but posting here.
I'm 53, a mother of 2 teenage boys, have been overweight most of my adult life but it's gotten much worse in the last few years. In 2007-8, I lost 85 lbs doing lc and did great. Said I wasn't going to gain again. Yeah, right!!! Ha, ha --guess we all know what happened then, huh? Yep, here I am even heavier. WTH???? On Monday I was 297.5, haven't actually ever seen 300 and hope not to. I'm trying to lose---my dr office wants me to lose 15 by surgery but I'd really like to lose more like 25 by surgery. Time will tell. I'm only 5'3" so that weight makes me look like a bowling ball. I essentially do nothing outside of my house that I don't have to do. My quality of life sucks--plain and simple. I really dislike myself and what I have done to myself.
Come in and introduce yourself. Maybe we can help each?
What to have at the hospital-
sleep shorts
female needs-if you are anywhere close to your period
Pretty much everything else you will need is going to be given to you by the hospital. These 3 items are really the only items I actually used from home- I added the female items because lucky me ACTUALLY started THE day of surgery right after I got out from recovery. Good things I had thought to bring my tampons. The hospital did have large pads to use, but once the catheter was removed, I found tampons from home much more comfortable. I also brought my laptop, but found myself asleep everytime I tried to do something on it, my suggestion, leave it home!
What to expect-
You will probably not remember much of anything the day of surgery. Do not expect to have the alertness to take phone calls for a few days. I spoke to most of my family over the few days post-op but, I actually do not remember much of what was said. You will be pretty groggy because of the meds they give you, as well as the anesthesia. Recovery will give you pain meds, as well as anti-nausea meds if needed.
You can expect to be put on a pain pump you can push every so often as needed. Do THIS....TRUST ME!!! I woke up on day after surgery, feeling fine because I apparently still have anesthesia in my system. I did not push my button all morning. Around noon, the anesthesia wore off, and then I had to catch the pain! Very painful lesson I don't care to repeat!
Imagine doing thousands of ab cruches at once, and the pain you will feel the day after.....that is pretty much what your abs will feel like after surgery. The pain will be mostly on the Left side, but I also had pain on my Right side because of gallbladder removal. You can also expect to have pain from trapped air for a few days. The pain will not be helped by the pain pump...this is where walking comes into play. Walking will move the air effectively. I also used the handle thing above my bed to life my upper body and stretch it. It did help with moving air around.
You probably will not eat or drink anything the day of surgery. You will have a swallow study the day following surgery, the drink tastes aweful.....if you are all clear, you will be cleared for ice chips and then, later in the day, clear fluids. I did not do good with my ice, so I could not get more clear liquids until post-op day 2.
When they bring your 1st meal, you will be shocked! I took the lid off my plate to find a condiment cup with jello and a condiment cup half full of broth. You will have to eat it very s- l- o- w.
You will be given an incentive spirometer. My hospital had me use it 10 times an hour. You may also take it home to use during the first week.
TED hose- you will wake up with these on your legs. You get used to them. I will have to wear mine 6 weeks, be prepared to do the same if Dr. requires that. These help with blood clots.
Blood thinners-You will be given blood thinner before surgery and post-op for a couple of days. Mine were injected into my stomach. They don't feel good to get, but are essential to prevent clotting.
Because of the surgery, your bowel will get sluggish. If you do not produce bowel sounds, be prepared for rectal suppository. They will give you them every few hours until bowel starts producing sounds. If you do not produce a movement, be prepared for an enema. You cannot go home until your bowel is working. This may not be the case for band patients.
You may gain weight in the hospital. You have an IV attached for several days, you can expect that some of tha****er is not going to move through your sluggish system. I gained 12 pounds post op. They gave me lasix(sp?) to move the water and the pounds dropped. Don't worry if you show a gain for a few days! Your body will catch up!
You MAY go home with a drain. I had 2 drains post-op. One was pulled, the other I kept for a few days after I got home. Be prepared to empty it and keep track of amounts for the Dr. When the drain comes out, it is a strange feeling, but it is gone quickly and doesn't really hurt. In fact, mine was causing some pinching and when it was out, I felt relief.
When you go home, they will give you liquid pain reliever as well as acid reducer if you had a bypass. Take this as needed, but make sure to stay ahead of any pain for the first few days.
You will not be driving for the first week or so. As long as you are on your pain meds, you are not safe to drive.
Walk, Walk, Walk! I cannot tell you enough the importance of walking every hour. If you sit too long, you will get stiff.
Sip, Sip, Sip! You have to keep your water up, but will find it hard to get half of what you need in for your daily needs. It is important to sip every couple of minutes all waking hours.
Look at your thumb! If you had bypass, your stomach is now the size of your thumb! I made the mistake of thinking that licking a full sugar free popsicle slowly would be ok, however, it was 4 times the size of my thumb! I had a very miserable night! If the food is larger than your thumb, cut down your portion.
What to eat:
I had a friend suggest that I buy power protein shots at Walmart and use them to make your jello. I used water for the hot part, then, used protein liquid for the other half. I poured them into ice cube trays. I found I could eat 1 cube with each meal, along with my 2 T broth. It is a great way to sneak in some protein.
Make ice cubes from liquid protein and add to your water for a light flavor and a few added grams of protein.
Broth! This is your staple. Buy several flavors, but keep in mind you will not come close to using one can in your first week. You can always freeze leftover amounts for later use in soups.
Power Aid zero. I found it very sweet, so I watered it down at least 2/3 water. It was perfect for my changed tastes.
Crystal light-you will most likely find it very sweet. Water down as needed. I used 1/2 single packet for a 32 oz. water jug.
I am sure there are more tips, but I think I have covered the most important ones. Congrats on your surgery and best of luck! Remember, the pain is SOOO worth it in the end, and week one, really DOES fly by!
But I am excited to start this journey with all of you, so let me know how your surgery goes!!
2. I want to have more engery to do the things I love
3. I want to not hurt when I wake up
4. I want to by clothes that are in fashion
5. I want my children to be proud to be seen with me
6. I want to ride my mule and not feel like I am abusing her
7. I want to do long off the beaten path photography sessions
8. I want to stop hiding behind objects and people when a camera comes out
9. I want to be proud that I have taken back control of my life and how I live it
10. I want to love me
1. I am so tired of taking so many meds everyday, and spending allot of money on them..
2. I want to be able to take my kids to a fair and ride a ride with them before they are fully grown.
3. I want to be here to grow old with my husband.
4. I want to be able to walk with out pain and losing my breath.
5. I am tried of always being the big one in the group
6. I watched my parents die from Obesty related illness and I don't want to put my kids through that.
7. I am tired of the looks, the comments, the laughs when I have to go into town.
8. I am tried of fat people stores!
9. I want to live my life instead of watching it.
10. I want to do this for myself...So I can be happy with me and learn to love myself.
I want to sit in a booth and not have my chest hang over the table, which makes every single thing I drop from my utensil fall onto my shelf.
I, too, want to be a cool grandma! I have a five year old granddaughter, and hopefully lots more in the future
I want to be the grandma that the kids can be proud of, not embarrassed of!
I want to feel young, free, pain free!
I want to get off of all my medicines!
I want to be successful in my business, which I know I don't work at hard enough, mostly because I don't feel, inside, that I'm worth owning a successful businses.
And just like felise, I want to be drop dead gorgeous that when I walk in a room, people say, Man, look at her!!! :-)
So glad we're all here!
1. I want to live to be numerically old; to watch my children grow up, get married and have families of their own.
2. I want to be the cool Grandma, full of energy and life to enjoy my grandbabies!
3. I want to look like I feel inside...young, vibrant, energetic and full of life!
4. I want to be free of pain from the weight I carry around!
5. I want to jump out of an airplane with my son when he turns 18!
6. I want to get into endurance road biking, and ride in bike tours around the US
7. I want to run a marathon and run a tri-athlon.
8. I want to have the energy to live life.
9. I want to break free from my fat prison.
10. I want to inspire others to make hard changes, and fight tough battles.
11. I want to impart knowledge I have learned from my own battle and help others because I have been there too, and I KNOW how it feels!
12. I want to exercise because I LOVE it, and NOT because if I don't I will gain weight!
13. I want to have confidence to show my talents, use them, and share them.
14. I know this one sounds vain, but lets get real here...who doesn't want this....but I want to be drop-dead gorgeous, and when I walk into a room, people notice me!!!
15. I WANT to be an ACTIVE participant in life and my children's lives, rather than watch from the side-lines.
Writing them down and placing them somewhere you can see everyday is a great things as well! They become our daily reminders when times get tough!

Yesterday I had my consent day. They have me a special soap to bathe with tomorrow night and then again Thrusday morning before surgery.. I also got 2 meds that I have to start tomorrow, one is a over the counter, cricate Mag to clean you out. and the other a patch to put behind my ear before I go to bed on Wed. I was going to work Wed but they told not a good idea. that with the one med I needed to stay home by the bathroom.. so today is my last day of work. So tomorrow I will make sure my house is cleaned, clothes done, anything to keep my busy, as of the morning I can only have clear liquids. Then it is off to the hosiptal Thrusday morning!!!
As for packing good luck I have packed and repacked everyday this week.. but the nurses told me yesterday not to worry about it..that house shoes, my meds, and my clothes to wear home is all I needed. but I will bring my own bathroom stuff.. don't like hopsital toothpaste(taste like chalk). That I would be wearing a hostipal gown while in.

What kinds of things did you do to get ready for surgery?
What things did you shop for?
What products did you stock up on for your diet?
What did you pack for the hospital?
Take a few moments and share so the next group of ladies going through this won't be nearly as stressed as I am at this moment!